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Hawick arrived for his game against Regrak's Teem with a bit of an attitude. He stepped up to the line of scrimmage, placing himself infront of Metinks, Regraks pet Troll, then proceeding to spout that he wanted to make sure he was infront of somebody too stupid to block him. Metinks contemplated this as the game started, and having realized what Hawick meant, came up with a long thought out troll plan. He raised both arms as high as he could, placed his fists together, and left an imprint of Hawick on the turf. The Goblin surgeons tried furious to get Hawick back in the game, decided that his helmet would hold his head up since his broken neck could not, and decided the poor dizzy Chaos Dwarf was ready to play again.
Later in the first half, Hawick was not feeling so well, and Grell offered to help him lay down. Hawick took the offer in stride before he realized Grell meant to tackle him. Hitting the turf hard Grell looked down only to see Hawicks neck, and he immediately ran away from the scene, Shoof heading off the opposite direction should he be blamed for the incident.
The Coach of Shuffling Downfield was impressed with a Dwarf that could go 20 minutes with a broken neck and immediately signed him on.
Hawick died on October 14, 2005