Right Stuff
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Its encumbering to carry a bible all day long, so this one has build up some muscles!
<A href="">Worst game</a>
<b>First game</b>
our dear <i>Brother Marius</i> lost his
other arm and he retired to find a new
way continue his part of the mission
by joining coaching staff
<b>Second game</b> &
and again one of our brothers joined
the coaching staff. <i>Brother Blues</i>
now teaches rhythm to our boiz
<b>Third game</b> & <A href="">Best game</a>
Orks team <i>Whippets</i> have been converted.
they gave their lives to greater purpose
<b>Fourth game</b>
<i>Warpstonesnifflers</i> saw the light when we guided
them towards it. Our Brothers & Sister were
happy to see that even dirty rats are just lambs
in the eyes of the great Grook and his brother Mook
<b>Fifth game</b>
Our first sister has been retired <i>Sister String-Bikini</i>
he left our team and went to home and started to practice
her favorite hobby: Sunbathing
<b>Sixth game</b>
While our sisters kept ref busy, we had time to get rid
of the heretics. We were on top for till the <i>Ultra fast snails</i>
took over at 2nd halfs 6 turn, they started hitting harder
<i>Sturnila & Gunhild</i> got hurt and then few more
of us, but they all will recover after the next game
or even before that.
<b>Seventh game</b>
It seemed that our gods had turned their backs on us
nothing worked, dodges failed - <i>Sister Sissy</i> died
and <i>Kanaljungs</i> scored twice due our failures.
but the heavens opened and we started to prey and it
helped, we managed to score twice but then the
ground got too wet and we couldn't score third time
<b>Eight game</b>
As we belived Elves are heretics, <i>Howling Darkness</i>
gave leg and played badly. This game was the last one for
<i>Gunhild</i> And his going to get his Brother here...
Please welcome <i>Roenikus Grook</i>
<b>Nineth game</b> & <A href="">the first game when we lost on cas</a>
Elves of <i>Please don't kill me</i> sure have something
against gobbos, 2 rips & one nigle. We lost <i>Sister of Peace</i>
and <i>Brother Uber</i> to great lord, may the rest in peace.
all the credit from tieing the game to <i>Sister of Battle</i>
her marvelous pass made our 2nd TD possible.
<b>Tenth game</b>
once again elves got a hint of their heretism and lost one
of their own to our gods, also we embarassed them by
winning them in a fair game.
<b>Eleventh game</b>
Chaos gained what they deserve: a defeat
Once again we lost one our sister & dear<i> Brother Blood</i>'s angle
got twisted, hes going to retire anytme soon... Pray for the soul
of our <i>Sister Teeny</i>, she was too young to die...
<b>Twelvth game</b>
Not much to say, Gods abandoned us, we had hard times to roll 3+
maybe we should concentrate more on praying that playing...
<b>Thirteenth game</b>
Hmm what is wrong, <i>Sister of Battle</i> tripped
despite the fact that she has sure feet and died,
not even our apocathery were able to help her
Our luck SUCKS atm
<b>Fourteenth game</b>
Our luck SUCKed for first 6 turns and vamps made a TD
but then it started, the cas fest. Gobos made 2 and trolls 1 cas
in next two turns =D heretics must be punished! We managed to score
twice before the ending whistle
<b>Fifteenth game</b>
Well again our fans charmed the ref and we had a change to
show those elf scum what we think about em...
and they left the field screaming for mercy - 2nd concede
was a fact
<b>Sixteenth game</b>
These <i>Wood Elves</i> were too much for us
and <i> Brother Wine</i> left to better celebration place...
<b>Seventeenht game</b>
Again some wood elves, but this time We made it
<i>No somos Sarasas</i> need some healing palm
before they can enter the pitch. Our dear <i>Brother Tuk</i>
was pushed to crowd and his knee got smashed, now he
thinks he can quit this Crusade and join the fans.
<b>Eigthteenth game</b>
We challenged CD and without cas and only one TD
we played a draw with them, Now we must spend some
time praying for gods... <i>Sister Silkglove</i> one of our
oldest players has left since her baby has been born and
she needs to take care of him, but maybe she will be back
when her boy gets bigger.
<b>Nineteenth game</b>
We challenged CD, again, and made nice cas, but as it
has been for a while we couldn't play ball, only once we got
the ball from the ground. too bad that we lost but at least
we made more cas than they did
<b>Twentieth game</b>
Facing orks with DP, 100+spp troll & several MBs is a
dream for us, but getting the ball is also a dream...
We lost 2 dear Brothers: <i>Ale</i> & <i>Gunther</i>
May they rest in peace.