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[X] Philosophers Rocking Chair
Arthur Schopenhauer
Belonged to the Starting Line-Up of the <b>Philosophers Rocking Chair.</b> Retired after three games when he gained a niggle.

[20:33] *** Dog|gone changed nick to BlackNWhiteDog
[20:34] *** Invencible (HydraIRC@ joined
[20:34] <BlackNWhiteDog> hi Invencible
[20:35] <Invencible> hi
[20:35] <Invencible> you wanna play
[20:35] <BlackNWhiteDog> do you want to play our points match?
[20:35] <BlackNWhiteDog> yeah :)
[20:35] <Invencible> sure
[20:35] <BlackNWhiteDog> cool
[20:35] <BlackNWhiteDog> prox = woof
[20:35] <Invencible> do you host?
[20:35] <Invencible> ok
[20:36] *** zol (HydraIRC@116.Red-83-59-134.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) joined
[20:38] *** BlackNWhiteDog changed nick to DogNess
[20:45] *** onkelh (~onkelh@0x535dfecb.hinxx1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) joined
[20:45] <Big-Al> bb lfg
[20:45] <@BowlBot> Big-Al: [FQ] Elf 100/98
[20:46] <buskopanz> bb lfg tutti
[20:46] <@BowlBot> buskopanz: [FQ] Chaos Dwarf 234/209
[20:47] *** Greg_cafc (~Greg@ joined
[20:47] <Greg_cafc> bblfg numas
[20:47] <@BowlBot> Greg_cafc: [FQ] Khemri 147/142
[20:55] <buskopanz> bb lfg tutti
[20:55] <@BowlBot> buskopanz: [FQ] Chaos Dwarf 234/209
[20:58] *** Zhluhur (~doc@dslb-088-070-051-136.pools.arcor-ip.net) joined
[21:00] <@BowlBot> Zhluhur: [F3] Skaven 223/173
[21:05] <Purp|away> arrrgh! Invencible is here!
[21:06] <Purp|away> too late now actually, even a win for me isnt enough... See you next round :)
[21:06] <DogNess> yep
[21:06] <DogNess> :)
[21:13] <reo19uk|BBQ> how many hours left before the round is up?
[21:15] <BlueDevil420> less then 3
[21:16] <reo19uk|BBQ> k cheers
[21:19] *** Redstar changed nick to Redarrows
[21:19] *** yuri_levich (~ircap751@ joined
[21:25] <@BowlBot> *** Tenderos is now 3rd team in faction 3 with 117 points after 5 games.
[21:25] <@BowlBot> *** Faction Victims is now 9th team in faction 3 with 100 points after 3 games.
[21:25] <@BowlBot> *** Tenderos 1 vs 4 Faction Victims ***
[21:25] *** Arantil quit (Quit )
[21:28] *** Phelan (~Phelan@p54813E6B.dip.t-dialin.net) joined
[21:29] <Phelan> lfg bb
[21:29] <Phelan> bb lfg
[21:29] <@BowlBot> Phelan: [F3] Amazon 165/156, [FQ] Norse 222/194
[21:29] *** onkelh quit (Quit )
[21:30] <@BowlBot> *** Bile'ingual is now 23rd team in faction 3 with 27 points after 8 games.
[21:30] <@BowlBot> *** Tornado Tempers is now 2nd team in faction 3 with 133 points after 5 games.
[21:30] <@BowlBot> *** Bile'ingual 0 vs 3 Tornado Tempers ***
[21:30] *** kenmand|elite (kenmand@0x535c147d.kjnxx7.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) joined
[21:32] <kenmand|elite> i can see its still magnus who is up for winning gold
[21:33] <DogNess> i've filed miserably with this game so my chances are over
[21:33] <DogNess> only managed one cas :(
[21:33] <DogNess> indistructable elves
[21:34] <Purp|away> looks to be relagaing Pulpo's orcs your result
[21:34] <Purp|away> and the count
[21:34] <@BowlBot> *** Basha'ir is now 12th team in faction 2 with 39 points after 3 games.
[21:34] <@BowlBot> *** Philosophers Rocking Chair is now 13th team in faction 2 with 35 points after 1 game.
[21:34] <@BowlBot> *** Basha'ir 0 vs 4 Philosophers Rocking Chair ***
[21:34] <DogNess> not much i can do :(
[21:35] <Purp|away> well - I'm not too unhappy orcs are going down - lets put it that way :)
[21:35] <DogNess> hehe
[21:36] *** Enar (~Miranda@c213-100-152-142.swipnet.se) left ()
[21:36] <DogNess> just got a kill
[21:36] <Purp|away> there are more than enough to crush me without that one :)
[21:36] <Purp|away> \o/
[21:36] <DogNess> ag5 lino
[21:36] <DogNess> cheered me up a bit ;)
[21:36] <Purp|away> hehe
[21:36] <DogNess> about time to as well
[21:36] <Purp|away> lots of good teams on the way up too -will be tight next round again
[21:36] <Purp|away> hehe
[21:37] <DogNess> i hope so :)
[21:37] <DogNess> well 4 more blocks to do some damage for next round ;)
[21:38] <Phelan> bb lfg
[21:38] <@BowlBot> Phelan: [F3] Amazon 165/156, [FQ] Norse 222/194
[21:38] <DogNess> don't like ag5 leapers
[21:38] <Purp|away> Boos got a st5 Wardancer :/
[21:38] <Purp|away> thatll be fun..
[21:39] <Purp|away> I only like mine :P
[21:40] <DogNess> :P
[21:40] <@BowlBot> *** Family Ness is now 8th team in faction 1 with 119 points after 9 games.
[21:40] <@BowlBot> *** Ched-Nasad is now 14th team in faction 1 with 38 points after 2 games.
[21:40] <@BowlBot> *** Family Ness 0 vs 2 Ched-Nasad ***
[21:41] <DogNess> 0 cash :(
[21:41] <Purp|away> keeps you up Invencible :)
[21:41] <DogNess> no new saurus for me
[21:41] <Purp|away> :(
[21:42] <DogNess> ah, well. 8th is still my best faction finish :D
[21:42] <Purp|away> lol
[21:43] <Purp|away> 4th is better than I thought I'd do on my first proper round
[21:43] <DogNess> yeah, thats a great result
[21:44] <Purp|away> Only, oooh, 6 death/niggles this round? :P
[21:45] <spelledaren> !
[21:45] <spelledaren> both invencible and maxblb here?
[21:45] <BlueDevil420> choices choices :P
[21:46] <Purp|away> actually - 4 deaths, 4 niggles
[21:46] <Purp|away> heavy round :)
[21:46] <Purp|away> one more of those and I might have to drop and rebuild
[21:47] *** Invencible quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- IRC has never been so good)
[21:48] <Purp|away> you could push up into the miz with 2 wins spelle
[21:48] <Purp|away> huh?
[21:48] <Purp|away> he offered me a game - did you offer him one spelle?
[21:50] <spelledaren> I got max
[21:50] <spelledaren> play invencible if you can
[21:50] <spelledaren> :)
[21:51] <Purp|away> hehe
[21:51] <Purp|away> not got time
[21:51] <Purp|away> but I hope you get him :)
[21:52] <@BowlBot> *** Nones 0 vs 1 Tutti Tosti ***
[21:54] <buskopanz> bb lfg tutti
[21:54] <@BowlBot> buskopanz: [FQ] Chaos Dwarf 242/218
[21:59] <@BowlBot> *** Faxion 1 vs 2 Numas Raiders II ***
[21:59] *** Canales (~ocanaalo@254.Red-88-25-73.staticIP.rima-tde.net) joined
[22:01] *** Redarrows quit (Quit: canal español:#fumbbl.es)
[22:01] <DogNess> bblfg
[22:01] *** DogNess changed nick to BlackNWhiteDog
[22:01] <BlackNWhiteDog> bblfg
[22:01] <@BowlBot> BlackNWhiteDog: [F1] Lizardmen 265/221
[22:02] <BlackNWhiteDog> a friendly would do :)
[22:05] *** pirigin quit (Quit )
[22:07] <buskopanz> bb lfg tutti
[22:07] <@BowlBot> buskopanz: [FQ] Chaos Dwarf 242/218
[22:07] *** Canales (~ocanaalo@254.Red-88-25-73.staticIP.rima-tde.net) left ()
[22:11] *** Narakan (~ircap8@20.Red-88-2-234.staticIP.rima-tde.net) joined
[22:11] <Narakan> bb lfg big
[22:11] <@BowlBot> Narakan: [FQ] Orc 119/118
[22:24] <@BowlBot> Zhluhur: [F3] Skaven 223/173
[22:24] *** Greg_cafc quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:28] <Big-Al> bb lfg
[22:28] <@BowlBot> Big-Al: [FQ] Elf 100/93
[22:29] *** gildor|herder_bremen changed nick to gildor_inglorion
[22:29] *** Enar (~Miranda@c213-100-152-142.swipnet.se) joined
[22:29] <Enar> bb lfg
[22:29] <@BowlBot> Enar: [FQ] Dwarf 149/146
[22:33] <spelledaren> noooooo
[22:36] <@BowlBot> *** Valli's Vanir is now 4th team in faction 1 with 168 points after 8 games.
[22:36] <@BowlBot> *** Lost Faction is now 9th team in faction 1 with 79 points after 6 games.
[22:36] <@BowlBot> *** Valli's Vanir 3 vs 0 Lost Faction ***
[22:37] <BlueDevil420> well done spelle
[22:37] <spelledaren> invencible!
[22:37] <spelledaren> noooooooooooooooooo
[22:37] <BlueDevil420> he left?
[22:38] <spelledaren> yeah
[22:39] <spelledaren> heh
[22:39] <spelledaren> damn it's hard in teh top
[22:40] <McMagnus> yes it is
[22:41] <spelledaren> looks like those early victories was enough magnus!
[22:42] <McMagnus> Yes maybe, but its over 1 h left.
[22:42] <spelledaren> well, games need to start within the next 20 min
[22:42] <spelledaren> right?
[22:43] <@Angie> They need to finish before midnight to count
[22:43] <McMagnus> and then they still have time.
[22:44] *** neophyte quit (Quit )
[22:44] <McMagnus> But i am hoping for a gold over here, but i know that it aint over yet
[22:47] *** Trog-afk changed nick to Trog
[22:51] <Purp|away> I think its all over Magnus - you've done it :)
[22:52] <spelledaren> bb lfg
[22:52] <@BowlBot> spelledaren: [F1] Norse 206/201
[22:52] <spelledaren> nooo
[22:52] <McMagnus> Thanks purp, bet let w8 to it is 12.00 before
[22:52] <spelledaren> invencible come back!
[22:52] <Purp|away> hehe
[22:52] <spelledaren> cause you love me!
[22:52] <Purp|away> he offered me a game, I said I couldnt then he dropped off just as you V Max started
[22:52] <Purp|away> lol
[22:53] <spelledaren> aww
[22:53] <spelledaren> well, I'll just think to myself that i would have lost/drawn the game anyway
[22:53] <spelledaren> then the points hadn't been enough
[22:53] <Purp|away> hehe
[22:54] <spelledaren> not like the switch in the top where a loss was all that was needed :P
[22:54] <spelledaren> or something like that
[22:54] <Purp|away> lol
[22:54] <Purp|away> looking forward to the draw now :P
[22:54] <spelledaren> kalebin you're not finding any game?
[22:55] <spelledaren> yeah, next round!
[22:57] <spelledaren> hmm, who are coming up?
[22:58] <spelledaren> parrocco is back
[22:58] <spelledaren> 4 games?
[22:58] <spelledaren> 2 teams have played more than 4 games in F2?
[22:58] <McMagnus> 2 more chaos team is getting up
[23:00] <McMagnus> Jackdaniels whill kill every team in f1 that he play
[23:00] <McMagnus> He have a lot of claw and Dp
[23:01] *** Shrap (~Shrap@cpe-74-65-182-137.maine.res.rr.com) joined
[23:01] <Enar> bb lfg
[23:01] <@BowlBot> Enar: [FQ] Dwarf 149/146
[23:01] <spelledaren> hehe, yeah
[23:01] <spelledaren> thats the problem isnt it
[23:01] <@BowlBot> *** Break Loose 4 vs 0 Summer ***
[23:01] <Shrap> you still in it spelle?
[23:01] <spelledaren> yeah
[23:01] <Shrap> nice!
[23:01] <Purp|away> Boo has a good Woodie team on the way up
[23:01] <spelledaren> or, in what?
[23:01] <spelledaren> F1?
[23:01] *** Trog changed nick to Trog-IG
[23:01] <spelledaren> yes
[23:02] <Enar> hmm
[23:02] *** Brainsaw quit (Quit )
[23:02] <Enar> interesting in FQ
[23:02] <@BowlBot> *** Tutti Tosti 2 vs 1 Big Horns Clan ***
[23:02] <Enar> just got pushed down 1 space
[23:02] <McMagnus> No kalebin is playing
[23:02] <Enar> from a weaker team
[23:03] <Enar> same TR, -2 TS
[23:03] <McMagnus> He will win :) gold now
[23:03] <spelledaren> oh!
[23:03] <Enar> how is the order settled when two teams have the same TR?
[23:03] <spelledaren> he found one?
[23:03] <spelledaren> what an upset!
[23:03] <Purp|away> you could just ask the skaven coach to play sloooowly :)
[23:03] <spelledaren> lol
[23:03] <McMagnus> hehe
[23:04] <Purp|away> still 1-0 skaven
[23:04] <Purp|away> and 15 turns left
[23:04] <McMagnus> hehe
[23:04] <Purp|away> will be very exciting :P
[23:04] <spelledaren> yeah, how is the order settled, in FQ on TR, in other on equal points?
[23:04] *** Narakan quit (Quit: • IRcap [8.2] • www.ircap.net •)
[23:04] <spelledaren> what decides who gets ahead?
[23:04] <Purp|away> no idea
[23:04] <McMagnus> The scaven team aint having any players left after this
[23:04] *** B0RB0R quit (Quit: ALT+F4 |\| () \/\/ !!! Want some? Get some: #Addicted_to_Bloodbowl_and_of_course_Alcohol)
[23:05] <Purp|away> but whilst he has the 1 turner - the orcs cant be sure of winning
[23:06] <Enar> lol
[23:06] <Enar> now we are at the exact same TR&TS
[23:06] <McMagnus> Hehe the orc will kill every player
[23:06] <Enar> with 7 games each
[23:06] <Enar> seems the starting letter of team name decided the order..
[23:06] <Enar> next FQ team: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaavengers
[23:06] <Enar> ^^
[23:06] <McMagnus> To bad the gold go to orcs :)
[23:07] <McMagnus> Hope the count come so i can play him :)
[23:08] <Enar> Angie, you still around?
[23:08] <@Angie> I am
[23:08] <Enar> How is the order of teams with identical TR/TS decided?
[23:08] <Enar> in FQ that is
[23:08] <Enar> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=factions&faction=0
[23:09] <@Angie> Not sure
[23:09] <@Angie> Christer
[23:10] <@Angie> It was that long ago this was discussed I can't really remember
[23:10] <Enar> ah
[23:10] <spelledaren> latest played game?
[23:10] <Enar> I guess it is not too common
[23:10] <spelledaren> perhaps
[23:11] <@Christer> I can check I guess
[23:11] <spelledaren> heh
[23:11] <Enar> :)
[23:11] <spelledaren> :P
[23:11] <@Christer> might be random
[23:11] <spelledaren> it might even be random?
[23:13] <@Christer> 1: 4 games or more
[23:13] <@Christer> 2: TR
[23:13] <@Christer> 3: random
[23:13] <Enar> ok
[23:13] *** BowlBot quit (Excess Flood)
[23:13] <Enar> tnx
[23:14] <Enar> Best sollution
[23:14] *** BowlBot (~BowlBot@ joined
[23:17] *** Nachtogen|afk (~P@d54C31B34.access.telenet.be) left ()
[23:22] <McMagnus> i dont get the gold, do you see tha game?
[23:22] <spelledaren> yeah
[23:23] <McMagnus> I need the count
[23:24] <Purp|away> too late now anyway
[23:24] <Purp|away> bbtime
[23:24] <BowlBot> Purp|away: Sun Apr 29 23:24:34 2007
[23:25] <spelledaren> they'd better not play slowly now
[23:27] <BowlBot> *** Niggling Rats is now 2nd team in faction 3 with 148 points after 6 games.
[23:27] <BowlBot> *** ladys of chatterley is now 27th team in faction 3 with 3 points after 1 game.
[23:27] <BowlBot> *** Niggling Rats 4 vs 1 ladys of chatterley ***
[23:30] *** spelledaren quit (Quit )
[23:34] <buskopanz> bb lfg tutti
[23:34] <BowlBot> buskopanz: [FQ] Chaos Dwarf 244/216
[23:37] *** kenmand|elite quit (Quit )
[23:43] <BlueDevil420> what a round what a round :)
[23:43] <BlueDevil420> congrats Kalebin!
[23:43] <@Angie> Right to the wire :)
[23:43] <BlueDevil420> uhuh :)
[23:44] <McMagnus> yes he won.
[23:44] <BlueDevil420> not yet, injury time, so it might be a draw
[23:44] <BlueDevil420> but thats good enough
[23:44] *** rudinho|exp quit (Quit )
[23:45] <Purp|away> grats kalebin :)
[23:46] <McMagnus> Gratz kalebin
[23:47] <BowlBot> *** Blue Toilet is now 15th team in faction 1 with 36 points after 5 games.
[23:47] <BowlBot> *** Muerdeorejaz (mail me) is now 1st team in faction 1 with 191 points after 8 games.
[23:47] <BowlBot> *** Blue Toilet 2 vs 2 Muerdeorejaz (mail me) ***
[23:48] <Enar> meh
[23:48] <Purp|away> well all that excitement has gone for another fortnight :)
[23:48] <Enar> got a game with 20 mins left.. :D
[23:48] <Enar> heh
[23:48] <Purp|away> oof :P
[23:48] <BlueDevil420> :)
[23:49] <Purp|away> 11ish mins to the draw then :)
[23:49] <BlueDevil420> :)
[23:50] * BlueDevil420 is ready to add all new scoring opponents to his buddy list again
[23:50] <Purp|away> lol
[23:50] <Purp|away> good idea - I hadnt though of that
[23:50] <@Angie> hehehe
[23:50] <BlueDevil420> I've been doing that for a couple of rounds, really useful
[23:50] * Purp|away is ready to star hassling the inactive coaches earlier this round :P
[23:50] <Purp|away> *start
[23:51] <BlueDevil420> and since you play elves....you're likely to succeed in getting them to play :P
[23:51] <Purp|away> hope so :P
[23:51] *** Pulpo_Fiction (Pulpo_Fict@ joined
[23:51] <Pulpo_Fiction> so
[23:51] <Pulpo_Fiction> it happens
[23:51] <Pulpo_Fiction> :)
[23:51] <Pulpo_Fiction> after 2 weeks looking for games
[23:51] <BlueDevil420> hehe
[23:52] <Pulpo_Fiction> i'll be finally relegated
[23:52] *** eldiablo (~Rafael@248.Red-83-39-143.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) joined
[23:52] <Purp|away> looks that way :(
[23:52] <BlueDevil420> :(
[23:52] <Purp|away> I'd have played you if you were s.
[23:52] <Pulpo_Fiction> i wont keep on playing faction
[23:53] <Pulpo_Fiction> i'm tired of asking for games with no answer
[23:53] <BlueDevil420> If you're serious, then retire your team before the new round is drawn, that'll help the F2 coaches that would draw you otherwise
[23:53] <Enar> 1:st half took 15 mins
[23:53] <Enar> but it is not fast enough.. :/
[23:53] <Purp|away> good point.
[23:53] <Pulpo_Fiction> i will retire the team an leave faction until the actual system change
[23:53] <BlueDevil420> too late....
[23:53] <BlueDevil420> its already done...
[23:53] <BlueDevil420> draw is up
[23:54] <Enar> ah
[23:54] <Purp|away> oh really?
[23:54] <BlueDevil420> fuck, i drew britnoth
[23:54] <Pulpo_Fiction> yes
[23:54] <BlueDevil420> that's one game less for me :(
[23:54] <@Trog-IG> language pls
[23:54] <@Angie> Language...
[23:54] <Pulpo_Fiction> i hate having to retire a team like that
[23:54] <Pulpo_Fiction> i worked to build it
[23:54] <Pulpo_Fiction> but
[23:54] <BlueDevil420> sorry admins
[23:54] <Pulpo_Fiction> its annoying the actual system
[23:55] <Pulpo_Fiction> during 1 yeart or more i just played faction
[23:55] <Pulpo_Fiction> but now
[23:55] <Pulpo_Fiction> this division is not funny for me
[23:55] <Purp|away> damn - not a great draw for me... But hey-ho, will still be fun.
[23:55] <Purp|away> I got JD O_O
[23:56] <Pulpo_Fiction> have fun guys
[23:56] <Pulpo_Fiction> ;)
[23:56] <Pulpo_Fiction> gl
[23:56] <Pulpo_Fiction> c u
[23:56] <BlueDevil420> britnoth, kenmand, spelle, Magnus, purplegoo, JackD, Popcorn, La Yena, invencible and lobocameleon
[23:56] *** Pulpo_Fiction (Pulpo_Fict@ left ()
[23:56] <BlueDevil420> that's my draw
[23:56] <McMagnus> Lol i am meeting all chaos teams
[23:56] <BlueDevil420> rough
[23:56] *** BooAhl (~gto@c83-253-59-63.bredband.comhem.se) joined
[23:57] <BlackNWhiteDog> yar! got ya poo
[23:57] <McMagnus> Yes realy hard
[23:57] <Purp|away> Canales, JD, La_Yena, Boo, Parr, Popcorn, Dog, Blue and Magnus
[23:57] <Purp|away> yar Dog :)
[23:57] <BlackNWhiteDog> :)
[23:57] <BlueDevil420> I could have thought of a better draw for this round
[23:57] *** eldiablo (~Rafael@248.Red-83-39-143.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) left ()
[23:57] <BlueDevil420> ah well, we'll see
[23:58] <BooAhl> Purp: Go time?
[23:58] <Purp|away> heh
[23:58] <Purp|away> no
[23:58] <BlackNWhiteDog> only 3 elf theams for me this time phew
[23:58] <Purp|away> bed time :)
[23:58] <McMagnus> Good night all
[23:58] <BlueDevil420> i have no idea if i'll play many games, since i'm going to have a very busy 2 weeks coming up, but I'll definately play the active gang, i'll make sure of that
[23:58] <BlackNWhiteDog> cya
[23:58] <BlueDevil420> see ya magnus
[23:58] <Purp|away> was just hanging on for the draw :)
[23:58] <BlueDevil420> I'm out as well
[23:58] <Purp|away> night all
[23:58] <BlackNWhiteDog> me to
[23:58] <BlueDevil420> good luck next round and see you around guys
[23:58] <BlackNWhiteDog> cya all
[23:58] *** Enar (~Miranda@c213-100-152-142.swipnet.se) left ()
[23:58] *** Purp|away quit (Quit: Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-)
[23:58] *** BlackNWhiteDog quit (Quit: Fluff rules... but it gives me hairballs!)
[23:59] *** McMagnus (~McMagnus@c83-253-80-46.bredband.comhem.se) left ()
[23:59] *** BlueDevil420 quit (Quit )
[00:07] *** Milailee quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox])
[00:11] *** BooAhl changed nick to BooAll
[00:14] <@Christer> Anyone still here?
[00:14] *** reo19uk|BBQ changed nick to reo19uk
[00:14] <gildor_inglorion> ^^
[00:14] <reo19uk> yep me
[00:14] <BooAll> me too
[00:14] <BooAll> Why?
[00:15] <@Christer> I wanted some opinions on a planned change
[00:15] <gildor_inglorion> :)
[00:15] <BooAll> :D
[00:15] <gildor_inglorion> ere we go
[00:15] <gildor_inglorion> just do it
[00:15] <gildor_inglorion> ;)
[00:15] <BooAll> =D
[00:17] <@Christer> Quite an extensive tweak..
[00:17] <@Christer> First, I'm reducing F2 and F3 to 20 teams each
[00:17] <@Christer> with 10 scoring matches per team, just like F1
[00:17] <reo19uk> whens that starting?
[00:18] <reo19uk> or proposed to be starting
[00:18] <@Christer> Second, matches that don't give you score will not increase the "games" stat
[00:18] <@Christer> Third, If you have zero "games" in a round, your team is deactivated.
[00:18] <Shrap> wow!
[00:18] <Shrap> nice!!!!
[00:18] *** Redarrows (ircap@99.red-82-159-85.user.auna.net) joined
[00:19] <gildor_inglorion> sounds like a good way to achieve the activity of f1 in the lower classes
[00:19] <Shrap> when will that happen...I need to get playing!
[00:19] <BooAll> Sounds fair
[00:19] *** Trog-IG changed nick to Trog-afk
[00:19] <@Christer> Fourth, if you have played less than 6 scoring matches in a round, you get -5 points per match (maximum of -25 points since you get deactivated if you don't play at all)
[00:20] *** BooAll changed nick to BooAhl|vet
[00:20] <Shrap> that might just work!
[00:20] <gildor_inglorion> so to stay in u have to be really active
[00:20] <@Christer> Fifth, since faction sizes change - 6 teams will be relegated from each faction
[00:20] <Shrap> faction isnt for the faint of heart after all!
[00:21] <BowlBot> *** Devolution is the Solution 1 vs 2 Tutti Tosti ***
[00:23] <Shrap> I think faction will really be active after that
[00:23] <Shrap> nice ideas christer
[00:23] <buskopanz> bb lfg tutti
[00:23] <BowlBot> buskopanz: [F3] Chaos Dwarf 250/219
[00:23] <BooAhl|vet> bblfg boo
[00:24] *** kalebin quit (Quit )
[00:25] <gildor_inglorion> im curious to see them in action but the changes sound great
[00:26] <Shrap> yeah
[00:26] <Shrap> tho one vacation laterr and you have to reactivate your faction team
[00:26] <Shrap> thats the only bad side I see so far
[00:27] <@Christer> well, if you have a F1 team, you won't have too much trouble getting it to F3
[00:27] <@Christer> It's a necessity really
[00:27] <@Christer> Let me draw the picture for you..
[00:27] <@Christer> You have a team in F1, and go on a 4 week vacation
[00:28] <@Christer> Round 1, you get relegated to F2
[00:28] <@Christer> In there, you have 10 people who have a scoring game against you. You don't play.
[00:28] <Shrap> oh...I thot you got deactivated and put in FQ
[00:28] <@Angie> erm..
[00:28] <@Christer> Round 2, you get relegated to F3 and the same thing happens again.
[00:29] <@Angie> Sorry for butting in, but your said Christer: [23:24] <@Christer> Third, If you have zero "games" in a round, your team is deactivated.
[00:29] <Big-Al> bb lfg
[00:29] <BowlBot> Big-Al: [FQ] Elf 100/93
[00:29] <Shrap> yeah
[00:29] <Shrap> thats what I thot
[00:29] <@Christer> yeah, but if that wasn't in place
[00:29] <@Angie> that reads if deactivated, you start again in FQ
[00:29] <@Angie> ok, so we are talking current system now, not new proposed
[00:29] <@Christer> I'm just saying why we need to deactivate inactive teams
[00:30] <@Christer> because at the moment, we see teams that stop playing slowly decaying down through F2 and F3
[00:30] <@Angie> yeah, I just think we all thought you were talking new system not current :)
[00:30] <@Christer> too many inactive teams in the lower factions as it is now
[00:30] <gildor_inglorion> yepp - and coaches like me - that havent made a cesision on there faction future - can easily park there teams in f2 with one or two games per round
[00:30] *** Evil_Drone (Evil_Drone@modemcable177.12-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) joined
[00:31] <Evil_Drone> bb lfg stone
[00:31] <BowlBot> Evil_Drone: [F3] Dwarf 193/203
[00:31] <BooAhl|vet> Anybody wanna play F1?
[00:33] *** MadsL (~MadsL@kids.rh.dk) joined
[00:35] *** reo19uk quit (Ping timeout)
[00:36] <gildor_inglorion> u have no intrest in bringing (back?) the faction medals to the coach page?
[00:37] <@Christer> Not sure.
[00:38] *** rcdORC (~zvzxv@ joined
[00:38] *** MadsL (~MadsL@kids.rh.dk) left ()
[00:38] *** rcdORC (~zvzxv@ left ()
[00:39] <gildor_inglorion> and its hard to realize things like tables for best players each round, etc
[00:39] *** reo19uk (~reo19uk@212-139-249-240.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) joined
[00:40] <Shrap> wtf is up with the faction pages??!
[00:40] <gildor_inglorion> so the aim is to force the coaches that definetly are in faction right now to become really active there
[00:40] <Shrap> is brit really in line for a gold?
[00:41] *** BooAhl|vet changed nick to BooAhl
[00:41] <gildor_inglorion> changes in progress^^
[00:42] <@Christer> the faction page shows everyone at 0 points...
[00:42] <@Christer> order is by team id by default
[00:42] <@Christer> only visually though
[00:42] <@Christer> Since the real order is randomised
[00:43] <zol> bblfg
[00:43] *** zol changed nick to zoliak
[00:43] <zoliak> bblfg
[00:43] <BowlBot> zoliak: [FQ] Dwarf 100/102, Undead 241/209
[00:43] <zoliak> bblfg mat
[00:43] <BowlBot> zoliak: [FQ] Dwarf 100/102
[00:44] <reo19uk> how come everyone is now on -30 in faction?
[00:44] *** Pulpo_IG (Pulpo_Fict@ joined
[00:44] <Pulpo_IG> hehe
[00:44] <Pulpo_IG> i'm back
[00:44] <BooAhl> for F1?
[00:45] <reo19uk> no F2
[00:45] <Pulpo_IG> nope
[00:45] <Pulpo_IG> for fq
[00:45] <Pulpo_IG> but because i think now that things could get better
[00:45] <Pulpo_IG> ;)
[00:45] <Pulpo_IG> i'll have to be pattient to get f1 again
[00:45] <reo19uk> what are the changes then?
[00:46] <@Angie> reo19uk, Christer just told you them..
[00:46] <@Angie> You were here reading
[00:46] <reo19uk> ive only just got in
[00:46] <reo19uk> i was out i was in chat but not here
[00:46] <@Angie> [23:20] <@Christer> Anyone still here?
[00:46] <@Angie> [23:20] *** reo19uk|BBQ changed nick to reo19uk
[00:46] <@Angie> [23:20] <gildor_inglorion> ^^
[00:46] <@Angie> [23:20] <reo19uk> yep me
[00:46] <@Angie> [23:21] <BooAll> me too
[00:46] *** rcdORC (~zvzxv@ joined
[00:46] <reo19uk> ive only just recome in now cos my chat had froze
[00:46] <reo19uk> yeah my chat froze after that
[00:47] <@Angie> ok
[00:47] <@Angie> Then wait a few mins a news post is being done
Match performances