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Diving Tackle
Side Step
Sure Feet
<table width=250px border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
<tr valign="top" > <th align="center">AWARDS</th></tr> <tr align="center"><td align="center"> <img src=http://www.kaoskanji.de/bilder/medalien/eigene/80matches.gif><img src=http://www.kaoskanji.de/bilder/medalien/eigene/megastar.gif><img src=http://www.kaoskanji.de/bilder/medalien/eigene/diamondscorer.gif><img src=http://www.kaoskanji.de/bilder/medalien/eigene/silvermvp.gif> </td></tr></table>
<b>Title:</b> Superstar </br>
<b>Age:</b> 19 years</br>
<b>Height:</b> 1,63m</br>
<b>1st Skill: </b> Block</br>
<b>2nd Skill: </b> Side Step</br>
<b>3rd Skill: </b> Guard</br>
<b>4th Skill: </b> Diving Tackle</br>
<b>5th Skill: </b> Sure Feet</br>
<b>6th Skill: </b> Tackle (Ageing: n)</br>
<b>7th Skill: </b> ???</br>
<b>Permanent Injuries: </b> Smashed Hip (MA-), Fractured Skull (AV-)</br>
<b>Notes: </b> In a poll, she was voted the most beautiful player of the amazons. </br>
<b>Avengers-Records:</b> Most Touchdowns of all time (06/07/23)</br>
<b>Fumbbl-Records: </b> Topscorers of active ranked amazons: 2nd place (06/09/22); Topscorers of active ranked amazon catchers: 1st place (06/09/22); Topplayer of active ranked amazon catchers: 2nd; Topscorers of all-time ranked amazons: 4th</br>
<b>History: </b></br>
<b>76th match: </b>In the 100th match of the AAA, she did TD #25 and #26, making her the all time best scorer of theese Amazons and the first player to get the "Diamond Scorer Star".</br>
<b>80th match: </b>She was seriously injuried with a fractured arm, but gets her award.</br>
<b>91th match: </b> After her 31st touchdown she gets the top scoring active amazon catcher and becomes a megastar. She gets the "Platimun Hero Medal", but ages on the skillroll and will be retired soon.