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Ranked 1st on the Active Refs Favorite Stats Table at time of retirement
Ranked 1st on the All Time Greats Refs Favorite Stats Table at time of retirement
Ranked 3rd on the Skelly-dent False Teeth Old-Timers Award All Time Stats Table at time of retirement
Ranked 3rd on the Refs Favorites Stats Table for most fouls in Season 5 (16 fouls)
Ranked Joint 4th on the Refs Favorites Stats Table for most fouls in Season 6 (13 fouls)
First player in White Isle League to reach 100 fouls
First player in White Isle League to reach 150 fouls
Was the last of the original line up, had only missed one game due to MNG
Niggled on 4th skill roll
Retired due to being niggled and having to make TR cap