Mighty Blow
Side Step
The sorceror known as Iuchiban was a younger son of of the reigning Emperor. He lived his life in his older brother's shadow until he became one of the most vile men ever to walk Rokugan -- he became Iuchiban, the Bloodspeaker.
<u><b>Birth and Childhood</b></u>
Iuchiban was born Hantei Jama. At his gempukku, as all children of the Emperor except the eldest son do, he changed his name to Otomo Jama and abdicated his claim to the Emerald Throne in favor of his older brother. When his brother fell seriously ill, it appeared to the empire that Jama was to be the next emperor, but once his brother recovered from his illness the empire's favor returned to the Hantei, and once again they began greatly ignoring Otomo Jama.
<u><b>The First Rising of Iuchiban</b></u>
It was in the 499 that Jama found the journals of the corrupted sorcerer Kuni Nakanu. Otomo Jama studied the notes, learning the secrets of maho with the help of a Dragon and a Crane. As his dark power grew, so did his ambition. Jama took the name Iuchiban, founded the Bloodspeakers, an organization of maho-tsukai, and began making plans to raise an army of the undead to help him overthrow his brother and conquer Rokugan.
The plot was uncovered in 510 by a pair of magistrates, Soshi Takasho and Akodo Minobe, and the Seven Great Clans united to defeat him at the Battle of Stolen Graves. Death would not stop Iuchiban as he had learned the secrets of immortality from the heartless Khadi, so the Emperor commanded the Kaiu to build the Tomb of Iuchiban and imprisoned Iuchiban's spirit within.
<u><b>The Second Rising of Iuchiban</b></u>
A hundred and fifty years later, in 750, Iuchiban's spirit was revived some how and the Seven Great Clans united again to defeat him in the Battle of Sleeping River. Again he was imprisoned in his tomb, this time powerful magic was used to bind his soul to the very stones of the tomb.
These events also caused the release of the Shimushigaki and led to the formation of the Kuni Witch Hunters.
<u><b>The Last Rising of Iuchiban?</b></u>
In 1165 the Bloodspeaker Shahai attempted to return Iuchiban to his full power by bargaining with the entombed spirit of Iuchiban. She offered him his freedom in exchange for help with her goals, but was, of course, betrayed. Iuchiban made his way to the City of the Lost and took control of the armies of The Lost away from Daigotsu, who barely escaped with his life.
<u><b>Rain of Blood</b></u>
To herald in a new age of darkness Iuchiban enacted a ritual that covered the entire Empire in a Rain of Blood. Many souls were corrupted, consumed by their desires, regrets and fears, shackling their wills to Iuchiban's. Bloodspeaker cults surged out from every corner of Rokugan, joining their returned leader. The Empire was consumed by internal conflicts, and the Dragon Clan, who were the least affected by the rain, were charged by the Emperor to hunt those responsible.
<u><b>Final Battle</b></u>
Iuchiban was finally confronted by a Crab and Lion army led by Hida Kisada, Matsu Aoiko and Isawa Sezaru. While the battle raged outside Otosan Uchi and Iuchiban was distracted by the presence of Kisada, Sezaru and Aoiko entered the city and met up with Iuchi Katamari who led them further into the city where they found the Oracle of Blood guarding Iuchiban's heart. Iuchiban had now noticed the presence of Sezaru and raced to the hiding place of the heart. A quick battle ensued where Sezaru ended up destroying Iuchiban and the heart, seemingly for the last time.