Stand Firm
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<tr valign="top" > <th align="center">AWARDS</th></tr> <tr align="center"><td align="center"> <img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=> </td></tr></table>
<b>Age:</b> 19 years</br>
<b>Height:</b> 1,60m</br>
<b>1st Skill: </b>AG+</br>
<b>2nd Skill: </b> ST+</br>
<b>3rd Skill: </b> Stand Firm</br>
<b>4th Skill: </b> frenzy</br>
<b>5th Skill: </b> ???</br>
<b>6th Skill: </b> ???</br>
<b>7th Skill: </b> ???</br>
<b>Permanent Injuries: </b> none</br>
<b>Notes: </b> TEAM CAPTAIN </br>
<b>Avengers-Records:</b> none</br>
<b>Fumbbl-Records: </b> none</br>
<b>History: </b></br>
<b>1st match: </b> New shooting star of the Avengers! Her first action as the first player in the first turn was to seriously injury a chaos warrior (niggling, apo couldn´t help), then she did a pass and a touchdown in the same match and got AG+.</br>
<b>2nd match: </b> WHAT A SHOOTING STAR! WE LUV HERE!!! It was a match in the "hard times" of the team. They just could field 6 players on the pitch, and she started really bad with 2 double ones on dodging attemps. On the 2nd dodging attempt, she nearly died, but could be saved by the apo. Then, in the 2nd half. She played totally different. In the first turn, she seriously injuried a gutter runner, then she catched the ball, defended it from a blitzing storm vermin and dodged right through the prehensile tail of a rat ogre and another tackling zone to score the touchdown. Of course she got the MVP and gets ST+ as 2nd skill.</br>
<b>5th match: </b>After just 5 matches, she becomes a emerging star, not only giving her the "Bronze Hero Medal", but also giving her the "Special Shooting Star Medal" for becoming it so fast with that great skills she shows...</br>
<b>18th match: </b> We still luv her. She did a incredible action, dodging into a tackling zone, dodging out, dodging between two beastmen, picking the ball up between them, dodging out of them (another tackling zone), dodging one square more (and she didn´t even have to use dodge reroll or a normal reroll) and then throwing a perfect pass... ...she is announced to be the new team captain!!!!</br>
<b>19th match: </b>She surely is a allrounder, did her 6th touchdown and got MVP, becoming her a starplayer, Frenzy skill and getting her the "Silver Hero Medal" and the "Silver Cuteness Star"</br>
<b>27th match: </b>One-dice block from a orc: POW->R.I.P.->apo failed. :(