20 coaches online • Server time: 10:13
Having a quite calm career on Sigmar's Bane Okogoron Bilehelm has tried to show he true self on only a few occasions. The last such occasion was in the game vs. Full Grown Snotlings. Their incompetent coach had positioned 4 of his worthless goblins on the line of scrimmage. This fine opportunity shouldn't pass unnoticed. The first block by Alakrang Darkmantle was unsuccesfull, the second by Irkim Firecrown produced a knocked out goblin and was therefore a limited succes. The third block however was Okogoron Bilehelm's. Okogoron's gauntletted fist smashed in to the goblin Bjok smashing quite alot of bones. It seems breaking every rib in a goblins chest is something very few of them survive. Bjok certainly didn't. That first round was actually quite succesfull with one knocked out goblin another badly hurt and of course one killed.