Apothed his death after he failed a landing after a Troll fumbled him on his sixth game. Skilled up twice in the next 3 games. Apothed warranted.
Game 14,
scores 3 TDs and gains Dauntless on a double roll.
Failed a dodge in his 35 game that resulted in a death. Apothed to a MNG.
Game 36 he gets 2 TDs, and gains an AG+1. Proving that 2 games before was another good Apothecary by the Tribe.
Game 42 He gets Fouled after saving the game. Dead. Apoth roll.....Dead again!
Kabbo Wabbo may have been the greatest and most prolific Goblin scorer to ever grace a BB field. It is a sad day for us to announce to the BB community that on his 42nd game, the now late and great Kabbo Wabbo has been fouled to death. Everyone should mourn the loss of this former great player. Everyone should also find the Apoth who failed to revive this pillar to society, smear him in Franks Red Hot Sauce (because we put that sh*t on everything) and string him upside down in front of a half starved Minotaur.
Kabbo Wabbo leaves behind 13 team mates, a sewer of children, and a half eaten Hobbit crumble pie. The funeral will be held beside the ditch that they will throw him into this coming Saturday morning.