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Note: Now no longer a player on this team, but Team Manager and Team Coach on: <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=655811>Ebil Zneaky Worzhipperz</a>
He dont know where he was born, he cant remember his past, family does not exits and no one know him. Drollz walked from city to city, town to town, bush to bush, waterfall to waterfall and to many places no one has ever walked on or in. Rain does not affect him, Sun does not make him sweat, cold made him freezy his nose off. Once a year he travel for a secrete lake to take a bath in it. He dont even know the name of the lake, so secrete is the lake. He can read, but not write. Yet a book is circling the lower society of Hobgoblins, which is written by Drollz Nuffleworshipper. He only drinks water that have been shined on by the moon, else it is toxic water (Read the Book if you dont believe this). He always carry a book with him, but this is not THE BOOK.
Likes: Nuffle
She is a normal looking Hobgoblin with black long hair, so you would not thought she was a true fanatic. Each time Drollz talking about THE BOOK, she is getting more and more exited. She jumps up and down and begin to giggle horse like, which is not a pretty sight or hearing.