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<i> Formarly a corpse The_Decon bought him in to serve as a line guard. </i>
<b> Killed</b> In a so called recovery match
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Following the success of the Reikland Messiah's project, The_Decon decided to continue his lust for Bloodbowl with an Undead team. His skill with zombies had already been shown with the Covenant. With help from a few friends of Covenant Star Rotspawn the Sly and the introduction of Khemri mummies The_Decons new project was underway.
<b>Will we ever win ? Game 1-7</b>
A poor start for Redmeption Unholy saw them losing a key mummy in thier opening game. The recovery match that followed wasnt something to write home about either. The future of this team was in the balance. The combination of play for the Undead is similar to the Necromatics in almost everyway ( this increased by the fact the The_Decon is used to not having a max quota of Were Wolves for the covenant ) however a win was hard to come by. Finally Game 7 saw a strong victory. Hopefully the luck will change for this team which was almost retired.
<b>Steady Progress Game 8-23 </b>
Despite the early set back progress for Redemption seems steady. Although casualties seem to be slow the team is in good condition. During the course of the campaign they even snuck a win from a particularly Synnfull coach who lived up to his reputation by releaving Redemption of a Ghoul and Wight in the space of 60 seconds ! Game 23 became a land mark because fammed Vampire , Count Luthor Von Drakenberg made a surprise apperance !