"Eli Navarro has been in and out of juvenile detention since he was 13 years old. By the time he turned 16, he was the leader of the Pacific Coast Highway Bike Club. By his count, he's spent more than 700 days in juvenile detention facilities. He's currently on parole after assaulting the PCH gang leader who replaced him."
Life has not been kind to Weevil since we last saw him. After he was carted away from Neptune High's graduation with his poor grandma watching, Weevil has served time for his attack on Eduardo "Thumper" Orozco — which he pled down to assault from a murder charge.
He's out on parole and in desperate need of a job to avoid going back to the Big House. He had been working at a car wash, but he lost the job due to his anger-management issues. Veronica witnessed his near-assault on his jerk of a boss, and she convinced Keith to let him pick up her slack at Mars Investigations. Weevil showed aptitude for "detectiving," as well as an endearing (and somewhat unexpected) enthusiasm for catching bad guys. And we're not even mentioning the adorkable outfit he wears in an attempt to look professional. Unfortunately, Keith had to let Weevil go; Weevil witnessed a man abusing a little boy while on a stakeout and took matters into his own hands. While we couldn't blame Weevil for his violence against a child-abuser, it lost Keith the case and his chance to get the little boy away from a bad situation, so Weevil was once again in desperate need of a job. Veronica found the perfect solution and had Weevil fix Dean O'Dell's car — which incidentally helped her get back in the dean's good graces. O'Dell then hired Weevil as the new campus maintenance man.
The former leader of the PCH bike gang, Weevil is now firmly established as a Hearst College maintenance man. After pleading his murder charge against Eduardo "Thumper" Orozco down to assault, Weevil went through a variety of odd jobs — all of which he lost due to his anger-management issues — before Veronica helped him parlay a "favor" for Dean Cyrus O'Dell into a full-time job on campus.
When Veronica uses Weevil as her "audio/visual" aid in her Criminology class, Weevil discusses how he's trying to live on the straight and narrow but he still feels the pull of a life of crime. Is it so unreasonable that Veronica then suspects him of robbing her and others at gunpoint? Well, yes, it kind of is, but in her defense, the people responsible did intentionally frame Weevil. Will this ex-con ever get to go about his life without a cloud of suspicion hanging over his head? With Veronica around, probably not.
On the other hand, in a shocking turn of events, Weevil discovered the dean dead of a gunshot wound to the head, and not only does he still have a job on campus, he wasn't arrested by Lamb for it, and he shows Keith the "suicide" scene without Keith even once being suspicious of him! Things may be looking up for our Weevil.