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The Greek god of war and battle and the instigator of violence, a son of Zeus and Hera. Because of his cruel and war-like nature he was despised by all the gods, even his own father disliked him. Ares could be bloody, merciless, fearful and cowardly and possessed no moral attributes. He was, however, unable to withstand the loveliness of Aphrodite, who subsequently became his consort. Ares was of giant stature and had a loud voice, and surpassed the other gods in speed.
On the battlefield Ares was accompanied by Phobos ("Fear") and Deimos ("Terror"), two lesser divinities who are sometimes given as his sons. He was furthermore attended by the goddesses Eris ("Strife") and Enyo ("Horror"). Ares is also the father of the Harmonia, the goddess of harmony, and of the Amazons Penthesilea and Hippolyte.
Ares' cult was never very popular in Hellas and there were only a few temples dedicated to him. His cult was probably introduced from Thrace, the region where he was held in high regard. Etymologically his name may mean "destroyer" or "avenger".
The Romans equated them with Mars and their war-god was of much more significance than Ares.