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Season: Episode 10 of Season 1
Original Air Date: 12/14/1999
Written by: David Fury and Jeannine Renshaw
Directed by: James A. Contner
Wesley appears on the trail of a demon who's stealing others' powers.
<b>Plot Highlights:</b>
Cordelia sobs her way through her commercial audition.
Wesley, rogue demon hunter, appears clad entirely in leather.
Cordelia discovers Doyle passed his visions to her.
Cordelia kisses every man (or demon) she sees.
Cordelia gets the bidders to up their bids on her.
Angel and Cordelia invite Wesley to stay for breakfast.
WESLEY: Hello, Angel.
ANGEL: Wesley.
WESLEY: I’ll wager you never thought you’d never see me again.
ANGEL: To tell you the truth, I hadn’t given it much thought one way or the other. What are you…
WESLEY: Hup-up-up! I’m the one asking questions here. And I think it only fair to warn you, any sudden movement and I’ll be forced to…(Angel knocks crossbow from Wesley’s hand) Right. You had a question?
ANGEL: Interesting look for you. Motorcycle. The Watchers’ Council trying out a new image?
WESLEY: In point of fact I no longer work for the Council. I came to the conclusion I was of greater value to the cause working autonomously.
ANGEL: They fired you.
WESLEY: Hardly. With Buffy unwilling to follow Council orders there was simply no opportunity to function as Watcher. And that’s why I became a rogue demon hunter.
ANGEL: You’re a demon hunter?
WESLEY: *Rogue* demon hunter!