Right Stuff
Secret Weapon
Foul Appearance (30k)
Side Step (30k)
<i>Diamond Tooth Dave is the protegy of now coach, Chainsaw Charlie. Everyone hopes that Diamond Tooth can cause as much damage on the field as his mentor !
"Thats Hot"
"Loves it "</i>
<b>Personal Kills</b>
<a href=""><img src=""></a>Hoppy, Squig Hopper 4 Games 6 Sps,Leap, Sprint, Razor Sharp Claws, Dodge <a href="">Hippitty Hop, Squig Herders.</a>
This Squig Hopper was loaded up on illegal drugs and a real menace on the field. The Terrors had already beaten up the Ref so had a free pitch, as 7 team mates held the Hopper down Dave neatly cut the Squig and Rider in half.
<a href=""><img src=""></a>Jokaero, Nurgling 5 Games 7 Sps,Dodge, Stunty, Regenerate, Diving Tackle <a href="">Lords of Pestilence, Nurglings.</a>
Diamond Tooth carved up this nurgling in a decent 2-0 win !
<a href=""><img src=""></a>Wheel of Progress, Gnome 17 Games 12 Sps, Dodge, , Stunty, Right Stuff, Diving Tackle<a href=""> Spanner Toss Gang, Gnome.</a>
In the second straight loss in a row for the terrors, Dave took his anger out on a Gnome
<b>Injurys caused with Chainsaw </b>
<i> Badly Hurt </i> 6
<i> Serious Injury</i> 3
<i> KILLED! </i> 3
<b>Personal Progress
Game 43: </b> <i> Foul Appearance</i>
<b>Game 48</b> <i>Side Step</i>
<b> Aging </b>
<b> Game 43</b> <i> -ma </i>
<b>Game 40</b> Diamond Tooth Dave makes his first kill ! A squig Hopper !
<b>Game 43</b> Close proximity to warpstone effected Dave in a strange way. It molded his face so he was the spitting image of famous "IT" girl and Hollywood attention whore, Paris Hurtem.