Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Wild Animal
+AG (40k)
+MA (30k)
Break Tackle (20k)
Catch (30k)
Guard (20k)
Juggernaut (20k)
Multiple Block (20k)
Niggle counter: 10 out of 41 games, not counting virus.
Dual Niggle counter:5 out of 21 games, not counting virus.
This Troll will attempt to score 50 tds... or die trying.
Donation Troll!
I hauled: 159 dollars + mystery prize, +35 euro,+20 pound
I can still haul: +2 dollar per td above 50!
+20 dollars if I do a 2 turner Troll Td,+1 pound per int, +10 pound for winning record (aint gonna happen :() +10 dollars if Mr T. Kills Troll.
$10usd if Troll can score starting from scrimage, via his own end zone
Game 1: Troll SCOORZ! Good game vs Vampairz Draw.
Game 2: Troll SCOORZ UHGEN! Good game vs zombeez and skels Draw.
Game 3: Troll SCOORZ THIRD TAIM! Win vs Elvs.
Game 4: Troll SCOORZ Fourth TAIM! Draw Vs Norsez
Game 5: Troll No Scoorz... Troll Sad. Goblinz kill 2 not trolls.
Game 6: Troll SCOORZ Fifth TAIM! Draw vs High Elvs. Elvs Kill 1 Not troll.
Game 7: Troll SCOORZ Sixth TAIM! Win vs Halflingz.
Game 8: Troll SCOORZ Seventh TAIM! Loss vs Dark Elvz.
Game9: Troll Got confoozed a lots... No SCOOR but deyz sez I wuz most valuable. Lost vs rotters
Game 10: Not TROLL!... Game wuz lousy. Wez lost vs chaos. nothing speshul happen.
Game 11: NOT TROLL!. It wuz rainin. Had ball on turn 16..den fergot wut I wuz supposed ta be doin...oops. Coach wuz mad.
Game 12: Troll SCOORZ Eight TAIM! Loss vs Ratz
Game 13: Troll almost made 2 turn td..then elv 'it me on 'ead. I remember regenerating in reservz. Not Trolls scored for win. Rain ughen
Game 14: No Scoor uhgen... Not Troll scored... Draw vs Ratz... Fanz thought it wuz ok though.
Game 15: TROLL SCOORZ Nine TAIM! Loss vs Norsiez. Deyz kill 1 Not Troll.
Game 16: No Scoor... Norsiez do uz in 4-0. Biggest loss evur.
Game 17: No Scoor. Fergot how tah catch. 1-0 win and fanz luvved its. win vs high elvz
Game 18: No Scoor. Had ball in scoor posish when 1 elv 'it me.. lucky git. 1-0 loss vs dark elvz
Game 19: TROLL SCOORZ TUHWICE! 11 TAIMZ! Win vs Chaoz. Gots most Valuable playa too!
TROLL now ONLY troll wiv 10 Turchdurns!
Game 20: Troll does little. No Scoorz, not troll Scoorz 1 fer draw.
Game 21: TROLL SCOORZ! 12 TAIM! Draw vs Wood Elvz.
Game 22: Troll no Scoor... 'urt a saurus, got olda. Niggul bad coach sez, but Iz got agile frum all dat scoorz!
Game 23: Troll SCOORZ! 13 taim. Win vs Norse. Fans luvved its, and Not Troll got 2nd Scoor.
Game 26: I gots confuzed and missed a few gamez. Played ughenst bigga dark elvz. Drew. Troll not Scoor
Game 27: Troll Scoorz! 14 taim. Loss vs Ratz.
Game 28: Troll Intacept. Dauntluz Gutta's not good for troll. Troll sad. Troll Not Scoor Loss vs ratz
Game 29: Troll niggul'd. Loss vs chaos
Game 30: Troll SCOORZ TWICE! 16 taim now. Win vs High elvz.
Game 31: Troll SCOORZ TWICE UHGEN! 18 Taim now. win vs Neekromantiks
Game 32: Ah Nigguled. 3-1 winz.
Game 33: No Scoor. Loss vs Wood Elvz
Game 34: No scoor. Had ball on da td line, den fergot wot I wuz suppoosed ta be doin fer 2 lousy turns.
Game 35.. Nigguled out. Loss vs humiez
Game 36: Almost made 2 turner, ended up with nuthin. Biggest loss evar vs Ratz 5-0
Game 37: Troll SCOORZ! 19 taimz. Team seemz banged up.
Game 38: Troll not Scoor. Not Trolls scoor twice. Fanz luvz it.
Game 39: Troll Not scoorz. Not Troll scoorz once. win vs undead
Game 40 Troll SCOORZ! 20 Taimz! Earned anuvva Chaos dwarv!
Game 41: No Scoor. Loss.
Game 42: Troll SCOORZ! 21 Taimz. winz vs Elvz Fans luvs it.
Game 43: Troll SCOORZ! 22 Taimz. Loss vs Wood Elvz.
Game 44: Troll SCOORZ! 23 Taimz. Loss vs Lizzurdz
Game 45: Troll Nigguled. Not Trolls won game for uz.
Game 46: Troll not scoor. Loss vs Ratz
Game 47: Troll Nigguled. Loss vs Dark Elvz
Game 48: TROLL SCOORZ! 24 taimz. Loss vs Rotturz
Game 49: Troll Nigguled. Loss vs Dark Elvz
Game 50: Hopeluss gaym vs Chaos. Troll not scoor
Game 51: Troll Nigguled uhgen. draw vs humiez.
Game 52: Troll SCOORZ twice 26 taimz now... we wuz rapin ovva team though. Win vs ratz.
Game 53: Troll Nigguled out, concede on uz.
Game 54: Troll SCOORZ Twice! 28 taimz now. Oppo got dat ref twice.
Game 55: TROLL SCOORZ! 29 taimz now. Win vs lizziez. Fans luvz its
Game 56: Troll got viruz. Loss vs High Elvz. Not Trolls fought well.
Game 57: TROLL SCOORZ! 30 Taimz now. Win vs Dark Elvz!
Game 58: Troll Nigguled out. Loss vs chaoz
Game 59: Troll SCOOORZ! 31 Taimz now. Draw vs Pro Elvz.
Game 60 Troll not scoor. Loss vs Wood Elvz
Game 61 TROLL SCOORZ! 32 Taimz now. Draw vs High Elvz
Game 62: Troll Not scoor. Game wuz terruble. 2 ov da agile not trollsez diez and good not troll block tackler. Troll sad
Game 63: Troll not scoor. Coach sed I wuz stoopid at all the wrong times...but all dat pressure iz tuff on me y'knoo
Game 64: Troll Nigguled out. Win vs Norsiez
Game 65: Troll SCOORZ Twice! 34 taimz now I gots faster now...aged anuvva niggul win vs dark elvz!
Game 66: Troll SCOORZ! 35 Taimz now. Loss vs Wood elvz
Game 67 Troll SCOORZ TWICE! 37 taimz now. Win vs Wood Elvz
Game 68: Troll SCOORZ! 38 Taimz now. Loss vs Wood Elvz
Game 69: Troll SCOOORZ! 39 Taimz now. Loss vs Undedz
Game 70: Troll SCOORZ! 40 taimz now. Loss vs Lizziez.
Game 71: Troll Nigguled out. Loss vs Wood Elvz
Game 72: Troll SCOORZ! 41 Taimz now Loss vs Dark Elvz
Game 73: Troll SCOORZ TWICE! 43 Taimz now. Loss vs Woodiez
Game 74: Troll...Made coach angry by sucking. no Scoor. Loss vs lizziez
Game 75: Troll SCOOR! 44 taimz now. Loss vs Rotterz
Game 76: Troll SCOORZ TWICE! 46 Taimz now. WIN! vs Pro Elvz
Game 77: Troll not scoor. loss vs Lizzardz
Game 78: Troll not scoor. Draw vs Dark elvz.
Game 79: Troll nigguled. Win vs Ratz
Game 80: Troll Nigguled. Loss vs Woodiez
Game 81: Troll Nigguled. Loss vs High elvz
Game 82: Troll not scoor: loss vs Dark Elvz
Game 83: Troll SCOORZ! TWICE! Draw vs High Elvz
Game 84: Troll SCOORZ! Loss vs Necroomantikz
Game 85: Troll got virusz'd
Game 86: Troll Nigguled. Win vs Dark Elvz
game 87: Troll SCOORZ! 2 taimz! 50 scoorz! Troll fullfilled hiz GOAL! TROLL HAPPYYYY! Aged -ag, but got catch...
Game 88: Troll gotz healed, no more niggulz or -ag! I scoorz twice hurt rat and got MVT! Most valuable troaaall! Troall on 53 SCOORZ! Skaven lost 2-0!
Game 89: Troll no scoor, lews vs high elvz.
game 90: Troll SCOORZ! 54 taimz, win vs orczez
Game 91 Troll SCOORZ! 55 taimz...loss vs woodiez.
Game 92: Troll goez ko...all gaym. Wez win vs chaos tho.
Game 93: Troll in ko uhgen. Loss vs Vampairz.
Game 94: Troll SCOOTZ 2 TAIMZ! 57 taimz. Win vs Hoomiez. Fanz luvz us!
Game 95: Troll not Scoorz. 2-1 loss vs orksez.
Game 96: Troll SCOORZ! 58 taimz! win vs orksez.
Game 97: Troll SCOORZ! 59 taimz! loss vs vampairz, but wez KILL da legund <a href=>Loo-see</a>!!!! Fanz hates uz for dat :(
Game 98: Troll SCOORZ! 60 Taimz! Draw vs Neck-roomantixz.
Game 99: Troll SCOORZ! 61 Taimz! Win vs Dark elvz