Block (30k)
Dirty Player (30k)
Side Step (20k)
His name means rabbit.
He got one interception and two touchdowns agaisnt a wretched skaven team.
Against the Seattle Sea-Orcs, he received a handoff in the endzone for the second touchdown of the game and late in the second half, he killed a goblin that hand wandered onto the pitch, presumably a die-hard fan of Seattle. Inexplicably, the Sea-Orcs apothecary intervened and his life was spared.
Scored two defensive and one offensive touchdowns against reformed again.
Against Pusztitunk Es Vesztunk, an orc team, Tochtli became very aggressive. Early in the game, a crowd formed around the orc blitzer Borotvalkozni Ki Fog. A well placed foot claw put that interest to rest, as the hapless orc was badly hurt and sent off the pitch. A failed go for it by the orc team's number one blitzer left the ball on the ground. Another skink, Uetzcayotl scooped it up and handed off to Tochtli. Eventually the play would lead to a touchdown, but the sneaky skink called for a stall, giving the orc team only one turn left in the first half. In the middle of the second half, Tochtli's dirty claw made contact with Lila Ibrahim's skull, badly hurting the orc thrower.
Against the Chaos team Hot Pox, he once again clawed a member of the opposition while he was down. This time, the Chaos Warrior King Klutz was badly hurt and removed from the game.
Despite his sneakiness, he was caught out fouling out Aurora Foulealis into the Badly Hurt bin, and sent off the pitch in the match vs. Carpe Cherrum.
Against Da Vile Brutishtearers, his nasty attitude led him to foul to death a gutter runner by the name of Frogans Feetsupper. A timely team apothecary saved him from oblivion. Later, he was sought out and sent to the casualty bin, badly hurt.
During the FUMBBL Cup in a first round match vs. the Baraxton Warlords he was seen to claw out several orcs who had remained on the pitch, he ended up sending a black orc and a blitzer down to the ko box and badly hurt another brutish orc blitzer who had the misfortune of being face down on the pitch.