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* * * Did you know? The highest combined winnings in a single match is 250000.
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[R] LoA
The Shadow Shows
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Guard (30k)
<paulhicks> synn i miss yu now your fone
<paulhicks> gone
<Ameranth> synn isnt gone, hes right here
<TheSpoonyBard> synn is never gone
<TheSpoonyBard> he is inside us all
<paulhicks> oh yeah,.. screw rhe twat then
* paulhicks was kicked by BowlBot (Please mind your language)
<Ameranth> literally in some cases
<TheSpoonyBard> \o/
<Woodpecka> pished as a handcart that lad
* paulhicks (~paulhicks@82-36-128-36.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk) has joined #Fumbbl
<Ameranth> hehe
<ruoste> biologically in others
<paulhicks> whren did we hget bot in loa?
* Booch_ (~Booch@208-38-26-195.ip.cal.radiant.net) Quit (Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)
<Ameranth> youre not in loa
* LordVader82 (~chatzilla@158.sub-75-205-222.myvzw.com) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.3/20090824101458])
<paulhicks> wtf is that?
* paulhicks was kicked by BowlBot (Please mind your language)
<Mr_Foulscumm> LOL
<Apojar> hee hee
* paulhicks (~paulhicks@82-36-128-36.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk) has joined #Fumbbl
<Ameranth> youre in main chat

<Synn> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rJmbmVrVRI&feature=related
<shadow46x2> work
<Synn> oh..
<Synn> in that case...
<shadow46x2> die
<Synn> :)
<shadow46x2> lol

<;@BowlBot> \o/ Concession \o/ *** Ratlanta Fowlkids 0 vs 2 RedWood Warriors Revenge ***
<;@BowlBot> \o/ Concession \o/ *** Interview with me 0 vs 1 Wood Smokers ***
<;@BowlBot> \o/ Concession \o/ *** Darlo GW Legends 0 vs 1 Back to Back ***
<Britnoth> ....
<Apojar> keep 'em comin'
<Synn> that is impressive
<Britnoth> has france bb closed and they all came here?
<Britnoth> :)

<shadow46x2> apparently some gay ass rules edit by galak scaraper
<shadow46x2> pfft
<shadow46x2> no one here better complain about LRB 5 when more fouls happen
* You were kicked by synn (watch the language)

<rooster08> help?
<rooster08> what does morleys revenge do?
<TheSpoonyBard> apparently forces you to read the rulebook
<HooliganTuesday> lol

In case anyone wonders why I love shadow.....
<;@shadow46x2> but frankly, i'm sick of all these stupid whine fests about "oh the RNG is out to get me, blah blah blah" when the fact of the matter is, you suck as a coach, and you need to worry more about learning better tactics, instead of blaming an inanimate object for your failures

<;@shadow46x2> has anyone noticed
<;@shadow46x2> ....the censorbot is gone?
<;@TheSpoonyBard> yarr
<;@Meech> not really
<;@Meech> there is still some asshole in main booting people

<;@Texan> :/
<;@Texan> so, my father is a traditional Texan
<;@Texan> the one time he visits me in Portland it is gay pride week
<;@Texan> he is eating seafood downtown when the all-nude gay pride men's parade rolls by
<;@Texan> \o/

<Sttucker13> I made the mistake of making a comment along the lines of "I like my women like I like my wine, aged 12 years and never opened" over the phone while in line at the grocery store

<EggShapedAubergine> i'm liquid inside
<Ro> you will be when im done
<Ro> :P

<;@paulIG> <blu> why has the troll dp^^
<;@paulIG> <paulhicks> he has leap too :D
<;@paulIG> <paulhicks> and 499 fouls to his name so far
<;@paulIG> <blu> omg
<;@shadow46x2> jesus christ you find the ripe ones

<;@Manbush> hey there killers :)
<;@paulhicks> howdy bushy
<;@Manbush> hey Paul!
<;@paulhicks> guess what.....!
<;@Manbush> your testicles grew back?
<;@paulhicks> nah but my missus let me look at them for 5 minutes
<;@Manbush> LOL
<;@Manbush> she held your belly aside for ya?
<;@Synn> HAHAH

<;@Meech> awesome
<;@Meech> My daughter is sick and wheezing
<;@Meech> may have a fever
<;@TheSpoonyBard> \o/
<;@TheSpoonyBard> it's ades
<;@Meech> so I better bundle her up so we can get to Walmart
<;@Meech> so i can get CoD5
<;@TheSpoonyBard> nice to see you have your priorities straight
* @Meech accepts his Daddeh of the Year award
<;@TheSpoonyBard> you can always get another kid
<;@TheSpoonyBard> CoD is moar important
<;@Meech> This kid is cool, she thinks Jesus loves her because Barbie tells her so
<;@Meech> I think I will keep this one

<Synn> be thankful i didn't advise just making a new account
<Synn> ;)
<Gromrilram> no
<soerenkepler> lol
<paulhicks> hehe
<Gromrilram> YOU be thankful you didnt
<pythrr> just one? why one when you can have three?
* Layla (~Layla@74-46-208-41.dsl1.chtw.wv.frontiernet.net) has joined #Fumbbl
<paulhicks> speaking of nw accounts...
* Layla (~Layla@74-46-208-41.dsl1.chtw.wv.frontiernet.net) Quit (Quit)

<;@rondo> heya
<;@rondo> need an help, i finding it desperatly but can't find an answer
<;@rondo> in vanilla sky the song the sing cruise when he going to be cured in the hospital
<;@j0de> ciao a rondo cherry helpi?
<;@rondo> he is under sedation and sing in a bad way then there is the original song over his voice
<;@rondo> need the title _D
<;@j0de> o_O
<;@rondo> u not helping me :(
<;@j0de> i knows
<;@j0de> but don't worry!
<;@j0de> it's just cuz i hates you.
<;@j0de> and even Synn there hates you
<;@j0de> dunno about shadow46x2 and spooneh, they kinda into boys if you know what i mean

<;@SneakyFox> so what if there are bits of lemon peels floating in the ocean that make a better vice president than her
<Manbush> Just watch Blackadder recently, Sneaky?
<;@SneakyFox> few days ago. why?
<Manbush> Sir Tablot Buxomley
<;@SneakyFox> I don't see the connection
<;@SneakyFox> you must be imagining thing
<;@SneakyFox> +s
<Manbush> of course
<;@SneakyFox> your guess was just a random stab in the dark, which consequently is what you will get if you don't stop questioning me :D

<;@Meech> speaking of "full of sumbs"
<;@Meech> dammit!
<;@TheSpoonyBard> sumbs?
<;@TheSpoonyBard> moar like full of FAEL

<PorkusMaximus> playing rotters is genuinely the least fun thing I have ever experienced and I've had a doctor put things in me

<;@shadow46x2> yeah
<;@shadow46x2> fucking retarded bullshit
<;@shadow46x2> i'm in IT for a reason
<;@morehouse> lack of social skills?

<Leniyuhl> just that he is one that speaks to me without hate
<Synn> Leniyuhl
<Synn> i speak to everyone with hate
<Leniyuhl> sure
<Leniyuhl> but not specifically aimed at me
<Synn> yes
<Leniyuhl> oh
<Synn> specifically aimed at you
<Leniyuhl> then never mind
<Synn> :D
<Justsmith> bbteams Synn
<DukeTyrion> Synn speaks to 90% of people with hate and 10% with lube

<Synn> btw...
<Synn> just so you all know
<Synn> fumbbl has spread!
* gkornecki (~gkornecki@adsl-75-5-64-15.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) has joined #Fumbbl
<Synn> paulhicks mentioned to me that in his personal ad search...
* thenoac (thenoac@206-248-170-39.dsl.teksavvy.com) has joined #Fumbbl
<Synn> he found lots of people interested in "GLT"
<Synn> :D
* paulBRB is now known as paulhicks
<paulhicks> even more interested in DP
<Chewie> he told me he'd keep that between us :/

<svirrusdickus> but fisted means nothing offensive. not more than "i jsut won over you"
<svirrusdickus> well i dont mean it in its real meaning. its more a figure of speech
<svirrusdickus> a inside joke
<HolyG> I bet he loves it..
<Synn> LOL
<TexMurphy> surely its "inside"
<DukeTyrion> lol
<TexMurphy> lol
<DukeTyrion> inside joke
<DukeTyrion> lol

<;@shadow46x2> just look forward to something nice :-D
<;@Synn> thats a relief
<;@Synn> usually around you....
<;@Synn> i have to look backward
<;@Synn> :D

<DreadClaw> wanna chance at the apo? ;)
<Synn> haha
<Synn> yes
<Synn> but bear in mind
<Synn> last time you asked that
<Synn> a[poth failed
<DreadClaw> i'll try to satisfy your need then
Select an action for Quela
Foul selected.
Quela fouls Nasty Nasty Naama. (6, 3) +5
(6, 5) + 0, 6: Nasty Nasty Naama has been KILLED!!
IGMEOY Roll = 4
Move ended for Quela
(1) Apothecary FAILS!
<Synn> \o/
<Synn> \o/
<DreadClaw> \o/
<Synn> hahahhah
<DreadClaw> LAUGH
<DreadClaw> LOL!
<Synn> so worth it
<Synn> hold on
<DreadClaw> i'm still laughing
<Synn> this is bio time

<XxMARKandSHAUNxX> anybody want a game?
<Lionberg> Mark - you back
<XxMARKandSHAUNxX> o hey
<Synn> hmmm
<XxMARKandSHAUNxX> changed my team
<Synn> wasn't that the coach that discon
<Lionberg> yes, he suffered casualties so just left and remade team... how sweet...
<XxMARKandSHAUNxX> yarp, then i changed my team coz i was getting hammered
<Synn> ....
<Synn> ummm
<Synn> thats a very good reason to get banned
<Chewie> you aren't supposed to do that mate
<Focus> <XxMARKandSHAUNxX>, have you read this? http://fumbbl.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpWiki&file=index
<Flapsdady> yeah
<Synn> if you can't take a beating
<Synn> go away
<Synn> don't play here
<Focus> or stay and be punished by 10 consecutive games against paulhicks
<XxMARKandSHAUNxX> i was just testing out a team, didnt like it so i got a new one
<Synn> umm
<Flapsdady> bu tyou have to finish a game
<Synn> do you think Lionberg was testing a team?
<Nyberg> God.. that name is ....
<Focus> thats not the point, you denied your opponent the chance to develop his team
<Lionberg> and I wasted my time ...
<XxMARKandSHAUNxX> sorry!
<Candlejack> you better read the site rules
<SpyreX> bblfg brok|do|hab|path|pla
<Flapsdady> exactly
<Focus> by not finishing the game he doesnt get any spp's from the game
<Synn> how would you like it if a game where you were doing well..... your opponent just quit and said "i was testing"
<XxMARKandSHAUNxX> yeh i do know the rules
<Synn> now finish your game against Lionberg
<Flapsdady> read them carefully or you WILL get banned
<Focus> obviously not
<XxMARKandSHAUNxX> i wudnt giv a crap
<Focus> he cant synn his teams deleted
<Nyberg> !
<Candlejack> so you broke them with intent
<Candlejack> nice
<Focus> shortest ever career on fumbbl award goes to:
<Nyberg> We dont like caps ;/
<XxMARKandSHAUNxX> theres me, me and errrrrrr ME!
<shadow46x2> <XxMARKandSHAUNxX> yeh i do know the rules <-- obviously not if you quit a match and remade your team
<Focus> go and reread (if you did indeed read) this: http://fumbbl.com/help:SiteRules
<Focus> heh least your oppo came back Lionberg :)
<Flapsdady> read the rules properly and make sure you show some respect for your opponents
<Synn> this is why i don't play noobs
<Synn> ;)
<Flapsdady> yep
<Focus> snob :)
<Flapsdady> lol
<XxMARKandSHAUNxX> i have read the rules. fine then i'll play you again and let you smash me about and win. fair?
<Flapsdady> no, just play properly, to the end
<paulIG> oh a fixed game too :)
<Focus> once again against the rules
<Flapsdady> lol
<Flapsdady> seems like you are playing the wrong online game mate
<XxMARKandSHAUNxX> well your all moaning at me for him not gettin the result
<Focus> http://www.jossip.com/wp/docs/2007/09/rudy-giuliani-headslap.JPG
<Candlejack> and then go to the olbbl
<Lionberg> Mark - you are trying to break all the rules tonight? Loosing on purpose is against the rules too :(
<Flapsdady> if you dont like losing and can't handle REALLY bad dice then this REALLY is not the game for you
<Synn> i would say start over and make a new account but that would get me banned
<Synn> ;)
<Flapsdady> lol
<shadow46x2> lol
<shadow46x2> want to make sure he covers all the bases, eh?
<Lionberg> ye, and do not choose tottaly different nick
<Synn> follow that up with a cussing match at angie and we are squared away
<shadow46x2> in fact, to ensure we get everything, cherrypick 40TS down for 20 matches in a row, throw some profanity in, and cuss out the admins
<shadow46x2> i think that'll do it
<shadow46x2> nothing like breaking every rule on the site before your first match is over
<Focus> what else can he do...
<shadow46x2> that's impressive

<Albator2001> where is naama?
<Albator2001> is he affraid or what?
<morehouse> torturing a small child in his basement
<morehouse> to get in the mood to play you

<;@SneakyFox> robitussin is a cold medicine?
<;@SneakyFox> "Some Robitussin medicines have been taken in high doses by recreational drug users for their dextromethorphan, which has dissociative effects (sometimes colloquially known as a "robotrip'")."
<;@morehouse> \o/
<;@SneakyFox> are you a recreational drug user?
<;@morehouse> no
<;@morehouse> im a proffessional

<Sorenfrey> another question: I roll 4+2 to on a skill roll for a human catcher and I can't choose normal skills, why is this?
<Sorenfrey> block is a normal skill right?
<Synn> yes
<Sorenfrey> then why?
<Synn> ummmm
<Synn> possibly because you are blind
<Synn> what skills do you see?
<Sorenfrey> skills: dp, diving catch, diving tackle,
<Russo|Elite> Block is a general skill but catxchers can take general
<Synn> omg
<Synn> this is great
<Synn> umm
<Synn> Sorenfrey
* Lineman415 has quit IRC (Quit)
<Synn> you are looking for Block
<Synn> right?
<Sorenfrey> yup
<Plorg> scroll up
<Synn> do you think.,..
<Synn> perhaps
<Synn> that the fact that he already has block
<Synn> may be why you can't see it
<Synn> :D
<Sorenfrey> ahem
<Russo|Elite> hehehe
<Synn> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=4845906
* Krypton has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Sorenfrey> could it be that I'm an idiot?
<Sorenfrey> DOOOOOH
* Synn hands Sorenfrey a gun
<Russo|Elite> LOL
<Sorenfrey> thank you
<Sorenfrey> LOL
<Synn> :D
<Russo|Elite> public suicide
<Synn> i like you
<Petter> that was a good moment, thank you
* Candlejack hands Sorenfrey a medal
<Plorg> shadow was idle
<Plorg> be thankful

<shadow46x2> strip ball or PO imo
<PeteW> PO for britnoth
<shadow46x2> and use it religiously
<shadow46x2> which i'm sure you're familiar with
<shadow46x2> jesus boy
<PeteW> hehehe

<hasu|exp|vet|pro> synn would you care to beat me a bit?
<LicentiousHamster> Now THERE'S a question.
<Emphasy|pro|vet> :)

<LicentiousHamster> Did you watch Synns game against me? Man doesn't know the MEANING of nice!
* KingWTA-EXP has joined #FumbblMinors
<Gus> He didn´t cuddle enough?
<LicentiousHamster> He cuddled too much T.T
<Texan> that will go in his bio
<Synn-EXP> done

<Kingwiththeax> <Synn> that could have been a fun time to answer "does Karma exist in BB"
<Kingwiththeax> <Synn> :)
<Kingwiththeax> <hasudrone> you mean that you keep rolling insanse and I keep rolling bad
<Kingwiththeax> <hasudrone> and it keeps up
<Kingwiththeax> <hasudrone> then its karma
<Kingwiththeax> <hasudrone> weird karma thou
<Kingwiththeax> <sp#8> sweet move
<Kingwiththeax> <hasudrone> your total pushbacks this match so far = 0
<Kingwiththeax> <hasudrone> thats a nice stat too
<Kingwiththeax> <Synn> i still like the "i got five guys crowd surfed and all i got was this Tshirt"
<Kingwiththeax> <Synn> it looks nice on you
<Kingwiththeax> <Synn> ;)

<Bergh|Leg> think i will go to bed
<Astarael> With?
<Bergh|Leg> myself stupid
<Bergh|Leg> hehe
<Bergh|Leg> i could have gotten company
<HamsterWitAnAxe> Your dog?
* pirigin has joined #Fumbbl
<Bergh|Leg> but i have sleeped with her the last 3 nights, and now i need som REAL sleep
<Aequitas> eww
<Synn-Legend> ....
* TheStrict has quit IRC (Quit)
<Bergh|Leg> no the dog
<Aequitas> poor dog :(
<Bergh|Leg> lol
<Bergh|Leg> NOT THE DOG
<HamsterWitAnAxe> Hahaha

<TheSpoonyBard> hmmz
<TheSpoonyBard> a search for "bukkake" found no teams
<TheSpoonyBard> I feel like changing this
<Synn> hahhah

<Synn|Vet2> hhee
<Kill-kill> .....
<Synn|Vet2> forgive pizza
<Synn|Vet2> he is salty
<Synn|Vet2> :D
<Kill-kill> im not even going to mention it
<pizzamogul|vet2> Synn... want another taste?
<Synn|Vet2> ....
<Synn|Vet2> ewwwww

<spads> synn, ate my team and i thanked him for it, i feel dirty inside

<Melmoth> how young?
<Synn> "dateline" young
<paulhicks> lol
* Peter_Thorpe has joined #Fumbbl
<Synn> not "shadow" young
<rostern> whos young
<Synn> speaking of dateline young
<Dogbarian> I guess we all were at some point. :)
* Warpork has joined #Fumbbl
<Synn> howdy Thorpe!
<Synn> :)

Foul selected.
Fledgling fouls Methadone. (3, 4) +5
DIRTY PLAYER skill used on injury roll.
(4, 6) + 2, 6: Methadone has been KILLED!!
IGMEOY Roll = 3
Move ended for Fledgling
<Synn> \o/
<Synn> god i love that sound
<Jxaing> i know
<Jxaing> you need a moment, or can i do my turn

* paulhicks strokes synn lovingly
<TheSpoonyBard> poor starbreeze
<TheSpoonyBard> :/
<Synn> lower dude
* groin has quit IRC (Quit)
* paulhicks cant get much lower
<pac> well timed quit there :)

<Synn> Reason #1 to NOT be an admin:
<Synn> <Drakh> marry me now, need you to sort my life out now :P
<Synn> <Synn> O_o
<Synn> <Ash> oO
<Synn> * Angie is not up for marraige
<Synn> <Drakh> ok just sex then?

<Dhaktokh> Synn BH:ed three rats in one turn, then he said:
<Dhaktokh> Ministry of Lahmia turn ended.
<Dhaktokh> <Synn> all BH
<Dhaktokh> <Synn> which is nice
<Dhaktokh> <SvenS> right.. =)

<Dhaktokh> <Synn> only one i will be overly pleased to see die...
<Dhaktokh> <Synn> is the rat ogre
<Dhaktokh> <Synn> again
<Dhaktokh> <Synn> :D
<Dhaktokh> <SvenS> not like my HEs
<Dhaktokh> <SvenS> hehe
<Dhaktokh> Select an action for Gornax the Huge
<Dhaktokh> (3) WILD ANIMAL roll passed.
<Dhaktokh> Blitz selected.
<Dhaktokh> DODGE BEFORE RE_ROLL: Gornax the Huge knocked over trying to dodge.
<Dhaktokh> TARGET: 4 --- ROLL: 1 + 0 = 1
<Dhaktokh> DODGE FINAL RESULT: Gornax the Huge
<Dhaktokh> TARGET: 4 --- ROLL: 1 + 0 = 1
<Dhaktokh> Gornax the Huge is knocked over.
<Dhaktokh> (4, 6) + 0, (5, 5) + 0, 6: Gornax the Huge has been KILLED!!
<Dhaktokh> A pack of Rats turn ended.
<Dhaktokh> <Synn> .....
<Dhaktokh> <SvenS> lol!
<Dhaktokh> <Synn> dude
<Dhaktokh> <Synn> i didn't do that
<Dhaktokh> for your bio! I laughed soooooo hard

<Ace> hehe, first ever block with my new necro team and its a rip :P
<Ace> second serious injury
<Ace> i like this team alot
<notshadow46x2> wow
<notshadow46x2> and you're only playing 30TS down
<notshadow46x2> way to go ace
<notshadow46x2> big man
<Ace> why not?
<notshadow46x2> claw vs av7
<notshadow46x2> man....
<Ace> is it legal?
<notshadow46x2> brag some more about your massive achievements
<notshadow46x2> you're so awesome
<Ace> was i bragging?
<TheSpoonyBard> no, shadow just likes being an a-hole
<TheSpoonyBard> ignore him
<Ace> sorry, wasnt intended to be taken as such
<notshadow46x2> [15:22] <Ace> hehe, first ever block with my new necro team and its a rip :P <-- looks like it to me
<notshadow46x2> i figure if you're going to brag about your accomplishments, you might as well put them into perspective...like the fact that you're playing with a frontloaded necro team, you're playing against norse...you're playing up 30TS, oh and you're playing against *9* norse....
<notshadow46x2> 6 now
<notshadow46x2> go team
<Synn> \o/
<Astarael> Playing up 30TS?
<Synn> <3 shadow
<Ace> why not front load?
<notshadow46x2> his 118TS necro vs 83TS norse
<notshadow46x2> oh sorry
<Astarael> That'd be down
<Astarael> Noob
<notshadow46x2> 113 TS....MY BAD
<notshadow46x2> and this changes the fact taht he's a douche, how?
<BowlBot> *** Loren Speedfreaks 1 vs 2 soulkeepers ***
<Ace> ts?
<Astarael> It's a legal game
<Ace> what is ts?
<notshadow46x2> so?
<Astarael> The other guy accepted it
<Optihut> team strength
<Astarael> So what's it got to do with you?
<Optihut> The second number of a team
<notshadow46x2> legal and "fair" are two totally different terms
<Optihut> like 205 / 188
* Grit|afk is now known as Gritter
<TheSpoonyBard> that shadow likes to mock people
<Optihut> 188 is TS
<TheSpoonyBard> THAT is the point
<Ace> i thought i'd share the fact the team did that on turn 1
<notshadow46x2> yeah but you're a noob opti :)
<Ace> not boast
<Synn> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=matches&coach=46141
<Optihut> heh
<Synn> hehehe
* Karhumies has quit IRC (Quit)
<TheSpoonyBard> ....
<TheSpoonyBard> down 30 TS against thorpe?
<Astarael> Yeah
<TheSpoonyBard> and only a draw?
<Astarael> Go figure
* Ace cheers
<Astarael> /cue excuse
<notshadow46x2> lol
* kielor has joined #Fumbbl
<notshadow46x2> have i ever denied the fact that i'm a blatant cherrypicker?
<Synn> 2 matches not up TS
<Synn> :D
* Synn tosses Shadow a flame thrower reload
<Synn> go at it
<TheSpoonyBard> shadow has only ever played 2 matches not up TS?
<notshadow46x2> <3 synn
<Ace> how the fuck did i brag?
<TheSpoonyBard> didn't think he was THAT bad
<Ace> you have issues dude
* RealMadns|Ig-Phubar is now known as RealMadns
<Astarael> All the guy said was he killed a player
* Topper28 sets mode: +b *!*@*.ipt.aol.com
* Ace was kicked by Topper28 (Ace)
<TheSpoonyBard> \o/
<Synn> \o/
<TheSpoonyBard> pwned

<Synn> <Lewdgrip> hi
<Synn> <Synn> howdy
<Synn> <Lewdgrip> ur darkelves vs my dwarves ? ;)
<Synn> <Lewdgrip> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=319031
<Synn> <Synn> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&showstats=1&team_id=287125
<Synn> <Synn> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&showstats=1&team_id=321928
<Synn> <Synn> what do you think?
<Synn> <Lewdgrip> they are not on gamefinder, but hmmmm.
<Synn> <Synn> no
<Synn> <Synn> i don't want to play them
<Synn> <Synn> i am pointing out that your elves have no balls
<Synn> <Synn> so why the hell would i play your dorfs with my elves?
<Synn> for shadow
<Runefang> <Lewdgrip> hi
<Runefang> <Runefang> hi
<Runefang> <Lewdgrip> ur woodies vs my dwarves?
<Runefang> <Lewdgrip> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=319031
<Runefang> <Lewdgrip> :)
<Runefang> <Runefang> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&showstats=1&team_id=287125
<Runefang> <Runefang> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&showstats=1&team_id=321928
<Runefang> <Lewdgrip> like synn
<Runefang> <Lewdgrip> k gl
<Runefang> <Runefang> :P
<Runefang> thanks synn ;)
<Synn> \o/

<Dendi|elite> synn youre a walking foul ;) you dont have to have any guys who are left on the pitch you can stab the opponent through the client

<Smess> hired sibili again :)
<Synn> hehehe
<Smess> 2 sauri down, i can use him/her
<Smess> do lizzards have a sex actualy?
<Synn> i didn't cause a single foul cas
<Synn> they spawn
<Smess> don't wanna know
<Smess> ah right
<Synn> think of a bukkake in a fountain
<Synn> :D
<Smess> lol

* shadow46x2 has quit IRC (Read error: No route to host)
<pac> \o/
<pac> shadow's gone
<Prinz> PARTEH
<pac> now we can say nice things about him
<Prinz> LOL
<Mezir> lol
<Mezir> nice one
<pac> and he'll never know :)

<Nature_Warden> Synn
<Nature_Warden> ...Synn...
<Nature_Warden> I need some advice Synn
<toonook> so many things can go wrong after asking that
* Nature_Warden sits in the middle of the room and mews
<Synn> no you don't really blow....
<Synn> they just call it that
<Synn> there's my advice
<Synn> :D
<toonook> see?
<Subhedgehog> But it's good advice
<Subhedgehog> There should be no raspberries
* Grouchy has quit IRC (Quit)
<toonook> avoid bracers too
* BeerBelly has joined #Fumbbl
* BeerBelly has left #Fumbbl
<deckerCKY> erf!
<Synn> never let a fat girl near it
<Synn> you don't know if she is hungry
<toonook> i have the scar to prove that one
<Synn> they could ALWAYS be hungry
<Nature_Warden> Lol

* You were kicked from #Fumbbl by Christer (cheating is not allowed.)
* You were kicked from #Fumbbl by Christer (unless you're an admin)
* You were kicked from #Fumbbl by Christer (oh, this is a cool way of talking actually.)

<TheSpoonyBard> ...coca cola?
<warriortsuke> all same REALLY annoying gif
<warriortsuke> just a stupid little creature jumping around
* kufu has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
* nThatch has quit IRC (Quit)
<warriortsuke> coca cola is a frined of mine that's black.. so he made the team
<TheSpoonyBard> you have a friend named coca cola?
<warriortsuke> nickname..
<warriortsuke> always drinking cocke..
<TheSpoonyBard> ...
<Ameranth> ...
<warriortsuke> coke..

<KingSnakeeyes> hey bud check out my new team pic
<KingSnakeeyes> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=323416
<Synn> team pic?
<KingSnakeeyes> for my khems
<Synn> didn't see a pic
<KingSnakeeyes> thats odd it shows when i pull them up on my page to look at them
<Synn> well...
<Synn> for wasting my time i am reporting them as offensive
<Synn> :D
<KingSnakeeyes> lol

<Meech> You know who is good at hide the pickle?
<Meech> Shadow
<Synn-legend> he is very good
<ginetti-lfg> anyone from australia ?
* Yo has quit IRC (Quit)
<Synn-legend> meech told me
<Meech> It is like hiding a toothpick in the Grand Canton
<zingr> yes
<Meech> Wide and Vast...
<benkobi> haha
<Meech> Err
<zingr> there are many people from australia
<Meech> Grand Canyon
<Synn-legend> and full of visiting boy scouts
<Synn-legend> :)
<benkobi> lol
<Meech> lol
<Meech> and more than one horse has been up one side and down the other
<Synn-legend> lol

<CorporateSlave3> Wait, wait...maybe I am getting FatherShadow and Britnoth mixed up...it has been a while since I've been around..

<FluffySquirrel> blodger?
<Synn> blodge = block + dodge
<FluffySquirrel> ah
<Synn> blackle = block + tackle
<zerkalo> blodger = blodge + r
* WeedSki has joined #Fumbbl
<Synn> Zerkalo = shadow - 15 CR

<Rijssiej> 4v4 is somewhat boring
<freak_in_a_frock> indeed, in fact the main problem with 4 vs 4 is the fact that you can only hurt 4 people
* banana_fish900 has quit IRC (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
<Ludvik> but 4vs4 games are quick
<FatherShadow> so?
<FatherShadow> doesn't mean they're good
<freak_in_a_frock> so is sex with me, doesn't make it good
<FatherShadow> lol
<Prinz> rofl
<Rijssiej> hehe
<Ludvik> lol
<Synn> ha

<pizzamogul> i'm in game atm, give me a few
<Synn> no prob
<pizzamogul> i'll poke you when i[m done
<Synn> ok
<Synn> :D
* Synn blushes

**Last turn of the game.... i am up 5-1.... he has a chance to get the ball for a possible long shot score. I leave him with a chance but had moved over a screen of two guys to make him make some 3+ dodges......

<Synn> this is possible
<Synn> but tough
<red> so no problem for this team!
<red> =)
<Synn> and a possibility of you killing yourself
Select an action for Ferrin-Vanna
Blitz selected.
DODGE BEFORE RE_ROLL: Ferrin-Vanna knocked over trying to dodge.
TARGET: 3 --- ROLL: 1 + 0 = 1
Reroll using DODGE.
TARGET: 3 --- ROLL: 1 + 0 = 1
Ferrin-Vanna is knocked over.
(5, 4) + 0, (4, 6) + 0, 6: Ferrin-Vanna has been KILLED!!
<Synn> told you so :)

<Manbush> LOL don't beat me masser!
<Synn> hehe
<Synn> i am not violent
<Manbush> just very touchy-feely
<Prinz> when the person you're hugging stops moving
<Prinz> you're violent
<Manbush> LOL

<Meech> you are a fruit
<Synn> you got spit on by a child at 6:30 in the morning
<Synn> dry em
<Synn> :D
<Meech> lol
<Meech> I deserved it... kinda
<Synn> how old?
<Meech> 6 months
<Synn> cute
<Synn> :)
<Meech> She takes after mom
<Meech> So she isn't deformed or 5 nipples
<Synn> so not bald and scratching her self
<Synn> :D
<Meech> I can't imagine what she would look like if she took after dad.
<Meech> Never met the guy :)
<Meech> hahahahaha
<Meech> Thank god everyone else is asleep

<I_want_candy> how do you forfeit a game?
<Tymless> erm
<Emphasy> you dont
<Prinz> well yeah
<Prinz> but in the case you really want to wuss out :)
<Prinz> I_want_candy: right click in the blue border around the score, select concede
<Prinz> I_want_candy: only at the beginning of your own turn
<I_want_candy> alright thanks
<I_want_candy> was just curious cause someone did it to me
<Prinz> ah :)
<Ameranth> thanks, now where do i click to make my opponent concede? :)
<BowlBot> *** Sratslla Soahc 0 vs 2 Tha Gr33n Rush ***
<Prinz> Ameranth: foul

<Britnoth> yer
<Britnoth> but you have to leave your players there or they stand up and walk away again
<Britnoth> so i keep your player next to mine tho mine is prone
<Texan> you leave prone players often?
<Britnoth> yep
<Synn> no wonder you don't play us
<morehouse> hahaha
<Texan> no doubt
<Redman> brit, want a game? i love prone players ;)

<meech> Watching Synn try to get a game is like watching a hustler picking a woman up at the bar.
<meech> You know you shouldn't play Synn, and after it is over you end up sticky broke and confused as you stumble into the harsh morning light.
<meech> I feel like I should just tell these people "go ahead let him nail you once and he will leave you alone. Just don't look him in the face, he hates that"

<Blockbuster> ive seen men almost kill each other over such words
<Plorg|leg> you need to hang out in a different bar then

<Texan> this is like watching the special olympics
<Texan> except that they have an excuse

<Emphasy> !"#¤
<Emphasy> yaar
<Emphasy> BAM!
<Emphasy> no more stealing the ball
<Sinner> he was so funny to play
<Sinner> *sniff*
<Emphasy> he won you the game vs me
<Synn> was it BAM! or BAM! BOOT!
<GrottyJack> so you did something good for once? oh my...
<Sinner> actually the first player I ever cared about
<Sinner> BOOT
<Synn> he was a pain
<Emphasy> BAM! = niggle or kill
<Sinner> !
<Emphasy> so it was BAM!
<Sinner> but it was with a boot
<Emphasy> yup
<Synn> by the B00t!
<Synn> \\o
<Synn> o//
<Sinner> a tiny gobbo boot
<Emphasy> but in my book its BAM!
<Emphasy> no such thing as boot as i foul with my dick
<Sinner> right in the kisser
<Emphasy> just letting it drop
<Synn> lol
<Sinner> omg
<Emphasy> Timber!!

<Texan> see you guys in a bit--time to put the kids to bed :)
* Texan is now known as Texan|afk
* dacliff has quit IRC (Quit)
* shadow46x2 puts texan's wife to bed
<shadow46x2> :-D
* AFK_Eagle thinks shadow is lonely
* Doc has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
<Synn-Stable> and by "kids" he means "prositutes" and by "bed" he means "frshly dug hole in the ground"
<shadow46x2> lol
<mikafreak> ...

<Uber> I'm not tasting anyone's pork sword tonight
<CrazyCanuck> ROFL
<Synn> but tomorrow....
<Synn> he's down
<OldBugman> haha
* Willowwing has quit IRC (Quit)
* Darkwolf has joined #Fumbbl
* Lehmund has joined #Fumbbl
<Synn> and when i say "down" i mean "filled out like a McD's application"
<OldBugman> I'll make sure I go for a jog before hand
<OldBugman> so it's salty.
<Synn> is that true....
<Synn> JKA?
* CrazyCanuck roflcopter's until he pukes
* Charles has quit IRC (Quit)
<JKA> What?
<Synn> that is is salty?
<Synn> this is when i wish mika was around
<Synn> she would tell
<Lehmund> Anyone want to play my LIzzies (U) : 157/142?
<JKA> Not so salty, just meaty

<mikafreak> because I asked you to come to admin
<DarkTechnomancer> Ok
<johnston58> Loook This is no longer Johnson58, this is his mom and his borther's mom. He is not trying to pull a fast one just trying to have some fun and play some bloodblow.

<Mezir> griff > count
<Synn> synn > mezir
* Synn was kicked by Mezir (Kick me and I'll concede your point. But your powerlessness proves my superiority. Might makes right.)

<Meech> Not complaining about stalling. I just think in this situation the guy should be scoring every other turn against a team of zombies
<Synn> that they can just maim the stragglers and set up for offense again
<Synn> he should be
<Wyrmtainter> not the right to score, the right to have fun
<Synn> he is playing zombies!
<Meech> Right
<Synn> well wrym
<Synn> your fun is not his concern per say
* necronlord78 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Synn> if you don't like him stalling....
<Synn> don't fuck up on defense
<Synn> ;)
<Meech> LMAO
<Wyrmtainter> yeah and you are of the bunch that whines about T16 fouls?
<Meech> That was poetic

* Synn kicks urien.....er fouls
<Urien> :C
<Urien> synn you want to play now?
<Synn> =D
<Synn> are you serious?
<Urien> oh, heavens no
<Urien> :D
<Urien> checked your team
<shadow46x2> lol
<Synn> LOL

<shadow46x2> god i can't help it
<shadow46x2> i get wood when i hear the toilet bowl sound

Urian is knocked over.
Player pushed to (23, 9)
(5, 4) + 0, (6, 4) + 0, 6: Urian has been KILLED!!
<Synn> splat
<blu> eek
<blu> sorry
<Synn> heheh
Move ended for David DeJesus
[Game Saved]
Select an action for The Dayton Kid
<Synn> don't appologize
<Synn> i love that sound
Normal move selected.
<Synn> ;)
Move ended for The Dayton Kid
Select an action for Jarrod
<Synn> would prefer to hear it on your guys but i am really not picky

[01:02] <ruoste> kick synn too, he started it!
[01:02] <;@mikafreak> really?
[01:02] <Synn> i did not start using foul language
[01:02] <Synn> you can check mika
[01:02] <Synn> ;)
[01:02] * AC (~AC@0x50a0b55a.unknown.tele.dk) Quit (Quit)
[01:02] <skuttlespike12345> anyone want a game?
[01:02] <Synn> and as for ruoste
[01:02] <Synn> you can fuck right off
[01:02] <Synn> ;)
[01:02] <Voorn> foul foul foul
[01:02] <ruoste> :D
[01:02] <shadow46x2-zombie> LOL
[01:02] <buckskin> lol
[01:03] <;@mikafreak> !kick Synn lets not even go there enough
[01:03] * Synn was kicked by Nuffle (lets not even go there enough (mikafreak))
[01:03] <;@mikafreak> next one is kick banned
[01:03] <AlcingRagaholic> bwahaaa

<gamenutter> in your mind they are for killing things
<JanMattys> more guns = more chances to use guns
<RagingGoblin> what are they for?
<gamenutter> i like to target shoot
<Synn> develops hand eye coordination
<RagingGoblin> name another practical use for guns
* pac has joined #Fumbbl
<JanMattys> more chances to use gun = more danger
<RagingGoblin> you can target shoot with a bow or crossbow
<RagingGoblin> or a darts
<gamenutter> how about for fun, just like you spend your time here
<Synn> and the wife can never say no to a BJ when you got 6 inches of cold steel in your OTHER pocket
<gamenutter> i have those too!
* Diabl0658 has joined #Fumbbl
<Synn> >=D
<Falcone> :)

<Tigerhyslop> does anyone know at what point in the spp's taht you can get another skill
<Synn> 6
<Synn> 16
<Synn> 31
<Synn> 51
<Synn> 76
<Synn> 126
<Tigerhyslop> can't seem to find info on that anywhere
<Synn> 666
<TheSpoonyBard> you'd find it in the rulebook
<Tigerhyslop> why the big gap between 126 and 666?

ormal move selected.
<Texan> well, I screwed that turn up nicely
Move ended for Zukk
<heinz9> yes
<Spoony3> a-yup
<Synn1> yep
<Synn1> ;)
Select an action for Zorion

<SoarenHightower> y do u want somea aswell topper
* FatherShadow laughs
* fleischmarkt1 has left #Fumbbl
* Furious_George insinuate he might have @ in this channel
<Furious_George> mocking the man might not be wise :p
<Topper28> SoarenHightower, excuse me???
<Synn> heheh
<vonq> lol
<SoarenHightower> do you want me to spell it out for you topper
<Synn> this could turn classic
<Synn> soaren..
<Topper28> please do
<Synn> notice the @ next to his name...
<Furious_George> list of top 10 things not to do in IRC
<Synn> lol edge
<vonq> lol
* FatherShadow snorts his tea
<FatherShadow> LOL
* Synn waves goodbye
<pac> *sigh*
* macike-afk has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* Topper28 sets mode: +b *!*@*.mant.adsl.ntlworld.com
* SoarenHightower was kicked by Topper28 (SoarenHightower)
Match performances