56 coaches online • Server time: 23:37
1. SI (Smashed knee) to Frankie "Pink Pukkas" zombie
2. SI (Smashed hand) Franco Strillo "Era Una Notte Buia E Tempestos" thrall
3. SI (Smashed knee) Dodgy "Zombiegezichten" undead ghoul
4. SI (Broken Jaw) Boo "Zombiegezichten" undead ghoul
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.
5. KILL [apoth] on Hartigan "Sin City!" black orc
6. BH Uz Bton Bau "Orcaholics" black orc
Damage: o
SI (Fractured leg) by Bones "Foul Nagash" khemrian [dp] skeleton before that he was killed by same bone :)
KILLED by Cloggy II foul "Flogsta Drunkards" lineman [dp,block, +1ag, str.ball, kick] who was sent off afterwards.