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Coroth is surely aspiring to the post as the team captain, but unless something bad happens to Sargol, he must accept the role as 2nd in command......for now.
Coroths streak of TDs is really putting Sargol in a bad ligth. The ever loyal BMH fans are beginning to argue wether Sargol really is the best one for the job as captain....
The coach finally put Sargol on the bench permanently. Sargol was offered a title as ass coach, and Sargol knew better than to argue with the coach.
After 12 games for the team, this makes Coroth the new team captain, with no emediate rivals to the title.
After 16 games Coroth is feeling the stress the game has put on his body. Loosing some of his speed due to one too many nosedives....
After his 22nd game Coroth is still going strong and he is, despite his reduced movement, the hardest working player on the team. But Sargol Jr is standing ready in the shadows, waiting for Coroth to make a mistake or get another injury......
Since Sargol Jr left the team the closest thing to a rival is now the rookie Bull Centaur Horst Blackhoof, but it will take more than a few games before he will reach the skill status of his predecesor.