Accurate (30k)
Block (30k)
Strong Arm (30k)
Gromph is the Archmage of Menzoberranzan; Master of Sorcere, the arcane school; and first son of Matron Baenre, which makes him the most powerful male in the city. Gromph is around seven centuries of age; he appears young, however, as he has a magical amulet containing a piece of a unicorn's horn which prevents him from aging. He wandered for some time and adventured before becoming the "leashed" Archmage of the Council of Eight (the eight ruling houses), according to a decree by Lolth. It is only logical for the Council to keep close watch on the wizards, who are their only real challengers for power, as Archmage Gromph has many responsibilities in the City of Spiders. Foremost, he must energize Narbondel, the huge "clock" of Menzoberannzan. Gromph is one of the few males of the city who has power enough to have almost anything he desires, including the respect of females. Liriel is his daughter by one of his discarded lovers, making her claim to Baenre heritage shakey.
Some consider Gromph the greatest archmage in all the Realms due to his age, but Elminster is more than eleven centuries old and Khelben a few centuries younger than that (both are greater mages than Gromph), so it may be more accurate to list him as a rival in power to the other archmages of the Realms. Recently, and disturbingly, Gromph disappeared at a time when the city most needed him. He was attacked and imprisoned in a magical sphere by an exceedingly powerful lichdrow named Lord Dyrr, the true ruler of House Agrach Dyrr. He managed to escape the sphere with the help of an illithid named Sluuguth, killing the illithid soon afterward.