Horton Salm was a starfighter pilot and commander of the Alliance Military and New Republic Defense Force. Salm was a short Human from Norval II with balding black hair and a mustache. He favored Abrax cognac and believed a soldier's place was on the battlefield, not in the holos. He was a supporter of Borsk Fey'lya.
* 1 Biography
o 1.1 Pre-Endor
o 1.2 Aggressor Wing
o 1.3 Defender Wing
* 2 Behind the scenes
* 3 Appearances
* 4 Sources
[edit] Biography
[edit] Pre-Endor
Shortly before the Battle of Endor, Salm commanded Gray Squadron. Because of his age, Salm did not lead his unit from the field like many of his contemporaries. The anticipated odds in the Battle of Endor allowed Salm to take to the field for what he anticipated would be his final battle, flying as Gray Leader with Kin Kian as his gunner.
[edit] Aggressor Wing
Colonel Salm survived the conflict and was placed in command of Aggressor Wing. He led them through the Battle of Brentaal IV, which earned him a promotion to General from Admiral Ackbar and the noteworthy achievement of disabling Soontir Fel's TIE interceptor. He also led the unit in the First Battle of Ciutric IV, supporting Commando Team One and Rogue Squadron.
Salm before the Battle of Brentaal IV.
Salm before the Battle of Brentaal IV.
Sometime later, he was placed in command of the starfighter training school at Folor.
[edit] Defender Wing
In 6 ABY, Salm was tasked with building Defender Wing, a command of three fresh squadrons of Y-wings. Defender Wing trained on Folor alongside the newly reformed Rogue Squadron, which Salm was charged with overseeing as well.
Salm repeatedly clashed with members of the ace unit. During Defender Wing's first mission, Rogue pilot Corran Horn countermanded Salm's orders, convincing Warden Squadron to fire a volley of proton torpedoes at Ravager. While Horn's quick thinking saved the Alliance starfighters from the Lancer-class frigate, Salm saw him temporarily relieved from duty for his insubordination.
Salm's relationship with Wedge Antilles, the Rogue Squadron's leader, was more ambivalent. The two men disagreed over command-style and Tycho Celchu's reliability, but accepted that Antilles's easy-going nature and Salm's tight discipline were suited to their pilots' skill levels.
During the disastrous First Battle of Borleias, Salm's long-standing rivalry with Bothan General Laryn Kre'fey led him to covertly defy an order to withdraw, which later allowed his Defender Wing to come to Rogue Squadron's rescue in the final minutes of the battle. While Antilles felt that Salm should be decorated for his heroism, Salm himself insisted Antilles should report Salm's disobedience. He was later instrumental in planning the capture of Blackmoon.
Later, during the campaign against Prince-Admiral Krennel, Salm commanded a B-Wing squadron aboard Moonshadow. It is unclear if it was Defender Wing or a new command.