8 coaches online • Server time: 06:00
Block (30k)
Dodge (30k)
Guard (30k)
Side Step (30k)
<i>"Then come, my brethren, and prepare
The candlesticks and bells,
The scarlet, brass, and badger's hair
Wherein our Honour dwells,
And straitly fence and strictly keep
The Ark's integrity
Till Armageddon break our sleep ..."</i>
<div align="center">-Rudyard Kipling</div>
2 COMP vs. Spears of Ancient Glades - 11/5/2007
2 COMP vs. Rata Blanca - 11/8/2007
2 TD vs. Bitter Elves - 1/3/2008
(Tackle, Diving Tackle)
((Mighty Blow))