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Born in a Nuffle monastery Charlie Knoor has known nothing other then Bloodbowl for most his life. However after a really bad game (or good if you prefer that) of Bloodbowl, were the coach Patrick Bigbelly of the losing halfling team, Cookies N Cream, released a bloodlust-gas in the last few minutes of the game to get his team a few casualties. As it turned out mr Bigbelly was really bad at math and instead of only his own dugout the whole stadium erupted in a freenzy of bloodlust. In the following hour the bloodbowl monastary was raid and burnt down, the fans when released from the freenzy could do nothing but accept Nuffles fury and for some reason desided on collective suicide.
Without a home and a few thousand bodies to clean up cKnoor desided it had been a sign from above and joined the first humans bloodbowl team he could find.