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Dirty Player (30k)
Mighty Blow (30k)
<Angie> And yeah fuck you too
<Synn> \o/
<Angie> Congrats on your baiting, badgering, demeaning efforts to do whatever it is you thought you were doing
<Angie> THanks for the abuse you gave me and I will assume thanks for the same in reverse
<Synn> if it makes you feel better...
<Synn> and i am sure it won't
<Synn> having you gone from authority needed to happen
<Synn> both for our sake..
<Synn> but honestly...
<Synn> for yours
<Synn> look bad at what you dealt with...
<Angie> I didn't give a shit about the authority
<Synn> do you think it did not affect you?
<Synn> funny... i don't beleive you
<Synn> if it wasn't authortiy...
<Synn> you wouldn't have been here
<Angie> I would have loved to have played more but couldn't becaue I shit for doing so..
<Synn> no...
<Angie> Yes
<Angie> I did
<Synn> you milked that excuse for so long
<Synn> "i can't play because i am too busy being helpful for all you.."
<Angie> And I have proof of that shit funnily enough
<Synn> "you all need to be more thankful"
<Angie> thank full no..
<Synn> the shit you did to texan
<Synn> to malthor
<Angie> all I got was abuse on abuise on abuse
<Synn> having the admins walk out on you
<Angie> I didn;t shit on Texan or malthor get your facts dtraight
<Synn> and then walking in our channel on some bullshit?
<Synn> i got them straight
<Synn> cos at first
<Angie> No you haqvent
<Synn> i thought malthor was full of shit
<Synn> you had the benefit of the doubt on that
<Synn> when tex was booted from security status..
<Synn> i wondered
<Synn> when trog spoke up...
<Angie> ask Christer re Malthor see if he wil be hoinest
<Synn> he won't
<Angie> he fucked up and fucked uop and fucked up
<Synn> you and i both know he was no reason to stand by you now
<Angie> I constantly had to clean up his fuck ups
<Synn> i am sure you did
<Synn> i had to tell him how to unban someone
<Angie> he was removede because he could not do the job
<Synn> you should have stepped down a while ago
<Synn> because your attitude was total shit
<Synn> and by doing so...
<Synn> maybe christer would have seen what he was causing
<Synn> instead... you stayed
<Synn> and look how it ended
<Synn> incredibly ugly for all involved
<Synn> i miss mikafreak
<Angie> I stayed because someone had too
<Synn> but your last year washed all that taste out of my mouth
<Angie> Christer weas never around
<Synn> now as equals...
<Synn> this is what i feel
<Synn> serve your time
<Angie> stuff only he could do he never did
<Synn> and come back as a coach
<Synn> fumbbl has a short memory
<Synn> play again
<Synn> enjoy it
<Angie> I will not be back here
<Synn> what a shame
<Angie> Not a joy to all you included
<Synn> oh and here is something you didn't beleive and still won't....
<Angie> Insert a , after not
<Synn> within the LoA....
<Synn> i was the last one to turn on you
<Synn> it was after you walked in the channel and got me banned
<Synn> before then...
<Synn> i took your side often
<Synn> that was the final step
<Angie> I went into LOA beacuse of the number of complaints we received..
<Synn> you are lying outright
<Synn> at the time
<Angie> You kicked banned me from channel even after I told you all in ther ewhy I was there
<Synn> people were complaining not because they were in the channel and we were shooting them shit
<Synn> and second of all...
<Angie> No I am not Ask Christer, as it weas forwarded to him and he asked ne to deal
<Synn> you were logging
<Synn> you weren't even at the computer
<Synn> i came on...
<Synn> saw you in
<Synn> and kicked you
<Synn> cos at the time.....
<Synn> i didn't even know
<Angie> I logged every channel I was in
<Synn> not that it matters...
<Synn> had i known why you were there
<Synn> i would have kicked you out just the same
<Synn> but i can't act hard in that case...
<Synn> cos i didn';t know why you were there
<Synn> you left a message with Mezir
<Angie> I logged all so I could go back with answers
<Synn> good to see someone has a short memory
<Synn> cos since your departure
<Synn> there are 2 loa admins
<Synn> and 3 loa security
<Synn> so clearly christer didn't give a shit
<Angie> Yeah I have wished him good luck
<Synn> and to think that it was all Texan you were complaining about?
<Angie> I never complained about texan.. that is the thing..
<Synn> really...
<Angie> he vanished for months
<Synn> so that was the reason why he got booted from security?
<Synn> thats why afterward you told trog there were complaints about him being abusive?
<Synn> and mind you...
<Angie> he didn't get booted from security he just stopped being there of his own accord
<Synn> i have good reason to believe it
<Angie> the complaints I received were a long time before that and Christer has ll athe logs which show weeks and weks even months after I was still helping him..
<Synn> the idea of texan being abusive is quite absurd
<Angie> he just vanished for months his aut hexpired
<Angie> he assumed and did not question
<Synn> rest assured
<Synn> he questioned
<Angie> I know he didn;'t
<Synn> either way angie
<Synn> cool down
<Synn> i am genuinely happy to hear things are going well for you
<Synn> you do deserve that
<Angie> Christrer has the full logs of all the people I have assisted in becoming admins, he logs their activity, he controls nuffle and the auth serv from nuffle...
<Synn> and i do hope you return with a sense of peace about what this site is
<Angie> believe me I will not be returning to this site.. it has consumed enough of me.. and I of it this evening
<Synn> you have a good night
<Angie> I will
<Angie> someone stupidly removed me from staff had to take 6-8 new staff on to v=cover what I am no longer covering appointed a new head of Ranked.. leave the rest to your imagination..
<Angie> Have a good one Synn, live each day as your last.. as it so easily could be
<Synn> agreed
<Synn> btw
<Synn> when it came down to it...
<Synn> you were good at what you did
<Synn> your approach i did not agree with.... but you got shit done