Strip Ball (30k)
Sure Hands (30k)
Tackle (30k)
Lying, decieving, using, taking..
I will state up front this a revenge post.
You all or most of you are aware I play WoW.. Well so does my ex.. in the last few weeks I have been accused of things I have not done, and realistically I would never do. No matter, After weeks of arguing the fact and even providing points of refernce to check, I again this evening received a few whispers accsuing me of trying to *f**k* someone and his GF over.
Funniest thing in this whisper is, only 1 person knows my WoW alt, who is the Char/alt that receievd the whisper. 1whisper, and a MT(mistell) signal I would ignore. But spam whispering, and by that I mean I got 10+ whispers all containg crap from the same person. Leads me to believe more sinister.
Why am I posting this here?
because the person responsible has spent the last 4-5 weeks of accusing me blindly and is also the owner of this site.
After yesterdays accusations to me and my 5 ( yes only 5) WoW friends, accusing them also of giving his new gf / live in lover. whatever you want to call her. Shit in game by lying about Christer.
After being accused yesterday yet again for something I was not responsible for. I went into enough is enough mode.
Accuse me once more unfounded and I will do what you are accusing me off, if only to make you feel justified in that accusation, but also so after being accused so many times, I will put my side forward as well. Whether you like it or not.
Strange thing is only 2 people know my Alts nick (alt is 2nd char rather than main) that is myself and Christer.... Yet I am suddenly spammed with crap on that char, and I have been all evening.
No more mrs nice girl. You reap what you sow.
Christer on Wow = garzafoss, Cardea, vixie + numerous alts I am not aware off.
I will not just state OP's alaias's
Mine are:
Raikkohakk & Asirael
But I will not take this shit any longer either, as was stated in email to Christer. I stated one more unfounded accusation and I will reveal all. I got that unfounded accusation. Now all open...
Now I will reveal all.
I really hope it is worth it.
Feel free to ask me questions etc.. I will respond when I read them / have time to answer the questions...
See you FUMBBL, was nice knowing you, I guess I have all of 3 - 4 hrs before Christer gets up and reads. And then objects to the truth.
Christer kaivo-oja biggest user, abuser, taker, liar shit spreader ever known to man.
Tonights messages / whispers went far too far.