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<i> "Fear. Fear attracts the fearful… the strong… the weak… the innocent… the corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally." </i>
―Darth Maul
Darth Maul was a Dark Lord of the Sith and the first known apprentice of Darth Sidious. As a young child, Maul was taken by Sidious from an unknown world to be secretly tutored in the ways of the dark side of the Force. Growing up under this dark side tutelage of Darth Sidious, Maul became a very useful tool for his ambitious Master.
Maul was a master of Juyo, Jar'Kai, and Teräs Käsi, and chose to use a red double-bladed lightsaber for combat. In the years leading up to the Invasion of Naboo, Sidious had sent Maul on several political assassination missions, most notably against Black Sun, but Maul longed to fight and kill Jedi.
In 32 BBY, Maul was dispatched by Sidious to kill Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi. After tracking them to Tatooine and then to Naboo, he engaged both Jedi during the Second Battle of Theed. Maul slew Jinn, but made a fatal mistake in underestimating Kenobi. After a brief but furious battle, Kenobi killed the Sith Lord by slicing him in half.
In 0 BBY, Darth Vader encountered and defeated a clone or dopplegänger of Maul created by the Secret Order of the Empire, possibly under orders from Palpatine.