Season: Episode 1 of Season 5
Original Air Date: 10/01/2003
Written by: Joss Whedon
Directed by: Joss Whedon
A W&H client threatens to destroy California if he's convicted of his crimes by a court.
<b>Plot Highlights:</b>
Angel saves a woman, is besieged by W&H support staff. Fred wanders the lobby, meets Wes. Knox escorts her to her office. Gunn & Wes check out their offices. Angel finds Eve in his office. War council. Eve gives Gunn am appointment card. Harmony becomes Angel's secretary. Client meeting with Corbin Fries. Lorne evaluates employees. Fred moves in to her office. Angel admires his cars, clashes with his wetworks team. Angel extracts info from "Spanky". Knox & Fred research. Gunn undergoes a procedure. Eve brings up Connor. Fred cusses out her team. Harmony finds out special ops is off and running. Gunn arrives in court, gets a mistrial declared. Angel & special ops agent Hauser fight it out. Gunn defends his decision. Spike materializes out of the amulet.
WESLEY: Why on earth are we here?
FRED: What, because we're crusaders against evil and now the law firm that represents most of the evil in the world has given us its L.A. branch to run however we want, probably in an attempt to corrupt, divide, or destroy us, and we all said yes in, like, 3 minutes?
WESLEY: Your run-on sentences have got a lot less pointless.
FRED: Oh, that's so sweet. And a tad condescending.
ANGEL: We're gonna change things. We came to Wolfram and Hart because it's a powerful weapon, and we'll figure out how to wield it.
WESLEY: Or kill ourselves with it.
FRED: (flatly) Yay, team.
ANGEL: No, sooner or later they'll tip their hand, and we'll find out why they really brought us here.
(he picks up the envelope from his desk)
ANGEL: Meanwhile, we do the work...our way, one thing at a time.
(he rips open the envelope)
ANGEL: We deal with whatever comes next.
(an amulet falls out of the envelope, starts glowing. Mystical energy whirls about, and Spike materializes, yelling, reversing the combustion we saw in Chosen)
WESLEY: Spike?
ANGEL: (belligerent) Spike.
HARMONY: (thrilled) Blondie bear?