Mighty Blow
Block (30k)
Break Tackle (30k)
Guard (30k)
Stand Firm (30k)
<b>[+]</b> Anum Hamani Awi was only able to hit his first remarkable injury during his fifteenth game. Having to fight against unusually nimble orcs, he and his fellow prince Tor Usi-Yahya Delivered the teams only two valuable blows hits in a row. The Fifth-Born's smart kick in the groin of a black orc was found so funny by their shaman that he rather just left him suffer.
<b>[+]</b> A second time did the mighty mummy strike a serious injury, this time he did so against a thrall-servant from the decadent bunch of bloodsuckers from the city of Nachtburg. His cudgel hit the victim on his head, although the leather helmet worn by him saved his life, causing only severe dizziness and mild brain damage.
<b>[+]</b> Beginning to become a monster on the field, Anum Hamani Awi started to be a lot more effective also. In the dieing moments of the game against the Bodega Wariors, he used a rare techinque of deception on a black-skinned orc, with little chance to be blocked. It happened as it was expected, smashing the beast's hand. Their healer already left the stadium believing that the game is already over thus he failed to help the orc in distress.
<b>[+]</b> A daring half beast - half man creature duelled with Anum Hamani Awi, and the obvious outcome was the total humiliation of the beast. Having both its fists in his grasp he casually smashed both hands with his infinite strength. Their shaman could not heal him since the mummy held him in the fray to make him suffer more.
<b>[+]</b> Hit the head of a beastman from the Charred Horns horde with his enchanted cudgel. The enchantement blinded the foul creature for a considerable time.
<b>[+ -]</b> Hit another beastial creature of the same kind as before with his handy magical cudgel. The effect this time was the torment of the lost souls which caused serious headache for the fiend for a while.
As the second half started, the mummy has been brought to the ground and kick on his arm by a beast. The majestic hands of the prince was smashed badly, but he regenerated it on the sideline.
<b>[+]</b> Nearly finished the existence of a zombie from the demented band of Clint Eastwood Roles. He bashed his head, and saw the body falling in the mud. He missed him getting up and lurking around for the abomination's great "fortune"!
<b>[- +]</b> Had a prolific game against the wicked forest-dwelling walking deads of Fleischwald Pixies. After they struck him in the eye with a spiked baton by a corpse-eating abomitaion, he came back to unleash his wrath upon his enemies.
He addressed the skeletal servants as the primary targets, and he managed to get on of them trapped, where he stroke the creature down. His blow was not lethal, but broke several ribs of the horrible flesh-stripped creature.
<b>[+]</b> Repelled the attack of a dwarven slayer. The over-confident bastard was pinned to the ground, and Anum Hamani Awi smashed his knee ruthlessly to tech him a lesson about respect.
<b>[+]</b> Right after Ur Khai Ranihura drew the attention of the Knights of Neraka's ahaman's attention, Anum Hamani Awi stroke at their darker-skinned orc fellow. The pinched nerve the creature recieved made the orc yell the screams of agony, but no help came.
<b>[-]</b> A horde of vicous orcs surprised the Forgottens, and Anum Hamani Awi nearly beacame the victim of it, following Anpu Hondo. The fatal blow recieved from another blackorc however was inferior to the mummy's bond.
<b>[-]</b> The fate of Anum Hamani Awi has been reavealed as the mummy has been forced on his knees facing a band of heretic demon-worshippers, The Forgottens could only recover his majestic head to give him proper ritual to send him on his long journey.