14 coaches online • Server time: 01:54
Block (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Stimpy has a curiouse game 31(32 for the Randoms) not haveing mch to do with the early 1-0 start he was lazing around, even in the early parts of the 2nd half after haveing his knee smached by a particularly strong Blitzer (from Copycats Humans) and spending major time with the apoth to save his knee, he still showed no anger. Tha fans eventually got to him by hurling a huge rock at his tag team beasty Ren takeing him out for the rest of the game. Instantly Stimpy took his anger out on the lino standing directly in front of him, removing him from play for the remainder. After watching his team mates get laughed at by the crowd for concedeing the equalising TD he decided some1else was gona get it, and they did. Another lino straight out of action and in the dieins seconds of the game he decided he wanted to win the game so made an amazing dodge, grabbed the ball and just managed to stumble over the line, (Thought he would have crashed to the ground myself)
Hopefully he can participate more without loosing Ren 1st