Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Wild Animal
In the middle of the blackest night, Erik Skullpuncher left his hall and visited the beastmasters from whom he purchased his team. He passed the cages of the Trolls, ignoring the obvious first choice of Chaos teams, deviated away from the Ogre dens, heedless of their less obvious but still worthy value, and strode straight to the Minotaur Pit. Handing the gatekeepers a hefty sum, he looked straight into the eye of the biggest, meanest Minotaur he could find, hopped into the pit, and punched it out. Drawing an enchanted rusty spike, given to him by a fairy on the verge of death at Erik's brutalization (and of course, Erik killed him anyway), Erik drove the magic spike right between the two lobes of the minotaur's brain.
His fury so complete at heading a Chaos team, Erik has payed no attention to the glaring risks of buying a Minotaur. His arrogance is clear in the name he has given his new pet. Also, not wanting to deal with constantly chaining the furious beast, Erik controls Kaiser Wotan Ansgar by turning the embedded spike. Turn it one way, Kaiser Wotan Ansgar is unleashed with the full fury the horrible beast is known for. Turn it the other way, tears stream from the minotaurs eyes, blood trickles out of its nose, and it voids its bowels. Thus making it easier to get it to the games.