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Origin: Punk Rock
From GG Allin's <a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gg_allin>Wikipedia entry</a>:
<i>"Allin is best remembered for his notorious live performances that typically featured wildly transgressive acts such as Allin defecating and urinating onstage, rolling in (and often consuming) excrement, committing self-injury, performing naked, taunting people to perform fellatio on him, and violent actions towards the audience."
"Allin's music, typically shoddily recorded and of mediocre musicianship, has received nearly universally poor reviews from critics."
"At his funeral, Allin's bloated, discolored corpse was dressed in his black leather jacket and trademark jock strap. He had a bottle of Jim Beam beside him in his casket, as per his wishes (openly stated in his self-penned acoustic country ballad, "When I Die"). As part of his brother's request, the mortician was instructed not to wash the corpse (which smelled strongly of feces), or apply any makeup. The funeral became a wild party. Friends posed with the corpse, putting drugs and whiskey into its mouth."</i>