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Als Grator seine zwei Touchdowns gegen das Orkteam Ewerks erzielte, stand er unter dem Einfluß illegaler Substanzen.
Grator hält den Teamrekord für die meisten Toudowns in einem Spiel, indem er 3 Touchdowns gegen die Gods of the World erzielte. Zwei Spiele später wiederholte er dies gegen die Ratlings, aber die Slayers verloren das Spiel 3 - 5.
Grator konnte solche Leistungen jedoch nur in den wenigsten Spielen abrufen. Er hatte auch immer wieder mit Verletzungen zu tun, weshalb er seine Karriere auch dann beenden musste.
When Grator scored his two touchdowns against the orc team Ewerks, he was using illegal drugs.
Grator is holding the team record in scoring in a single game, after he scored 3 touchdowns against the Gods of the World. Two games later he repeated his record against the Ratlings, but the slayers lost that game 3 - 5.
Grator was not that often able to come up with such efforts. He was often suffering from injuries and that's why he had to finish his carrier soon.