43 coaches online • Server time: 21:39
Right Stuff
Diving Tackle
Side Step
+ST, Side-Step, Diving Tackle
Badly Hurt vs Wussington Redskins
Badly Hurt vs Body Like a Battle Axe
Niggling Injury vs Malazan Acendants
<i> Pondmuck was hit by a Wood Elf Wardancer in the first blitz of the game. The DFC apothcary ( who was rumored to have been selling black market steroids to a number of DFC players) said something about if he even tried to fix pondmucks injury the goblin may just have a massive cardiac arrest. As the apothcary and DFC management were arguing the window of oppertunity passed and the particularly "Wood Elven" lookin referee waved play on. Pondmuck now lives in the Dirty Funking retirement home where he enjoys bullying the others living there. One of the few players not to be suffering from a head injury Pondmuck delights in tormenting the less than fortunate. Pondmuck will be remembered for being the DFC's leading goblin casualty causer and a heavy steroid abuser. Fairwell Pondmuck, shame that in your final game we lost 6-1. </i>