Block (20k)
Dirty Player (20k)
<b>Team:</b> Wicked Pissahs
<b>Name:</b> Triple Deck-Her
<b>Number:</b> 3D
<b>Position You Play:</b> Jammer, Pivot, and Back
<b>Status:</b> Calling and emailing sponsors, ALL THE TIME!
<b>Injuries:</b> Nothing more than a few bruises, a couple of fingers
ran over by wheels, and some rug burn on the shoulder (don't ask)
<b>Loves:</b> My woman, the most supportive, amazing, and
beautiful person I know, Tivo, geeking out, and being able
to roller skate many days a week
<b>Despises:</b> Slow drivers, drivers that don't use their directionals,
onions, and homophobic people
<b>Favorite Food or Drink:</b> Defense and XXX by Vitamin Water
<b>Favorite Fan:</b> Zoe, Lois Blow (from Maine Rollergirls)'s daughter
who slept with my autograph the night I signed her program
<b>Number of Tattoos:</b> Zero, forever. Temporary: TBD
<b>Favorite Derby Moment:</b> Getting tackled by Shattered and Collidah
when they told me I was a Pissah. Lapping Doom in the Dancers,
Prancers & Vixens bout when jamming against her (and scoring 7
points in that jam)