Guard (30k)
Stand Firm (30k)
Season: Episode 18 of Season 3
Original Air Date: 09/21/1999
Written by: Jane Espenson
Directed by: Regis B. Kimble
Buffy's infected with demon telepathy & overhears plans for a school massacre.
<b>Plot Highlights:</b>
Buffy worries Angel enjoyed playing bad w/ Faith. Buffy is infected & starts hearing thoughts. She tries & fails to read Angel. She collapses in the cafeteria, overwhelmed, after hearing a massacre threat. The gang interviews likely suspects, eventually targeting Jonathan. Angel brings Buffy the demon's heart, which cures her, but not before she learns that Giles & her mother had sex. Recovered, she stops Jonathan (suicide attempt), but Xander IDs the lunch lady as the real killer (poison jello).
XANDER: She can read our minds? Our every impulse and fantasy.
BUFFY: Every one.
XANDER: (V.O.) Oh god.
CORDELIA: (V.O.) I don't see what this has to do with me.
CORDELIA: I don't see what this has to do with me.
WILLOW: Well, I think it's great. Right? I mean, you enjoy your other slayer powers.
BUFFY: Yeah, and it'll be fun. Did you see Nancy Doyle's face in English Class today?
WILLOW: Yeah, she's supercompetitive, and you really showed her.
WILLOW: (V.O.) She's hardly even human anymore. How can I be her friend now? She doesn't need me.
BUFFY: No! I do need you.
CORDELIA: Ok, what are you talking about? Because you are soooo creepy right now.
GILES: Um...I think there must be some precedence for occurrences such as this. Uh, I'll research it. Wesley, can you give me a hand?
WESLEY: Of course. Where do you think we should start?
OZ: (V.O.) I am my thoughts. If they exist in her, Buffy contains everything that is me and she becomes me. I cease to exist.
OZ: Hmm...
XANDER: (V.O.) What am I gonna do? I think about sex all the time! Sex! Help! 4 times 5 is thirty. 5 times 6 is 32. Naked girls. Naked Women! Naked Buffy! Oh stop me!
BUFFY: God Xander! Is that all you think about?
XANDER: Actually... bye. (Xander runs from the library)
WESLEY: Xander has just illustrated something. Chances are, you're all going to be thinking whatever you least want Buffy to hear. It's a question, of course, of mental discipline.
GILES: He's right. There are...
WESLEY: (V.O.) Look at Cordelia. No! Don't look at Cordelia! She's a student! Oh I am a bad man. I'm a bad, bad man!
WESLEY: Excuse me. Wesley exits into Giles' office.
WILLOW: What's it like Buffy?
BUFFY: I don't know. It's a little wierd. But... Look, please, don't for a second think that I don't need you, because I do. I want to share this with you. It's like all these doors are opening to all these little worlds, and I can just walk right inside.
OZ: (V.O.) No one else exists either. Buffy is all of us. We think. Therefore, she is.
WILLOW: (V.O.) She knows so much. She knows what Oz is thinking. I never know that. Before long, she'll know him better than I do.
BUFFY: No, don't think that.
WILLOW: I can't help it Buffy. I'm sorry, I just can't. (Willow gets up and runs from the library.)
OZ: If you don't need me, I'm gonna follow the red-head. (Oz leaves also.)
BUFFY: (to Giles and Cordelia) Guess I won't be writing that book, 'Gaining Friends through Telepathy.'
CORDELIA: (V.O.) Whatever. I wonder when I can go.
CORDELIA: Whatever. Can I go?
WESLEY: (sticks his head out of the office) Excuse me. Can you hear me thinking in here? I could go out into the hall.
BUFFY: You know what? You stay. I'm getting a headache. I'll go.
JOYCE: There, you look better already.
BUFFY: Thanks mom.
JOYCE: (hurrying out) I'm uh, I'm just going to get you another pillow.
BUFFY: I really don't need one.
JOYCE: (heading out again) But you need another blanket.
BUFFY: Uh, mom, I'm fine.
JOYCE: How about, some soup? Chicken and stars.
BUFFY: Mom, please, just come sit with me.
JOYCE I've uh, I've got laundry.
BUFFY: Why are you...? (she bolts up in bed) You had sex with Giles?!
JOYCE: (gasps)
JOYCE: (turns to hurry out of the room) It was the candy! We were teenagers!
BUFFY: On the hood of a police car?!?
JOYCE: (stops just outside the room looking back) I'll be downstairs. You feel better. (she hurries away)
BUFFY: (calling after her) TWICE!!!!
GILES: How are you?
BUFFY: Loving the quiet. Nobody in here but me.
GILES: Jonathan? How's he?
BUFFY: Pretty crappy. His parents are freaking. He got suspended. And toting a piece to school, not exactly winning him a place with the in-crowd. But, I think he's dealing.
GILES: Well, it's good of you to check on him.
BUFFY: Well, it's nice to be able to help someone in a non-slaying capacity. Except, he's starting to get that look, you know, like he's gonna ask me to Prom.
GILES: Well, it would probably be good for his self-esteem, if you...
BUFFY: Oh come on! What am I, Saint Buffy? He's like three feet tall!
GILES: I'm glad to see you've recovered from your psychic encounter more or less intact.