43 coaches online • Server time: 19:29
+AG (40k)
+MA (30k)
Strip Ball (20k)
1st playeron the team to skillup, The team claim to be a force even without his superior Agility to most orcs.
Gam6 and the orcs took an early 1-0 lead due to his agile footwork in turn 2 sneaking the ball and away. Paulhicks Chaos got mad and his many claw beasts and warriors messed the orcs up. and easily made it 1-1. 2nd half looked dismal as the orcs feared the worst with 7 of them on the field. Somehow George had sneeked away looking close to a TD around turn 12 when he failed a GFI and was stunned. Pauls chaos however where too busy trying to kill all the remaining Orcs and couldnnt get ahold of that slippery ball. He then pulled himself around and made what looked like an impossible ball grab dodge and stumbeled over the line.
We started the next line up with 5 players, he managed to equalise but due to George the Orclans are still undefeated. He shall have his revenge on chaos when his team mates are up to his potential.
This superior display by by George has blessed him with speed on top of his allready amazing Agility
Game 11 and George was saveing the game yet again. Ripper and Slash had been taken out by the grousome ogers and he managed to not only save the day but almose helped to an amazing victory but a dodge needing a 2 and he tripped over a gobbo something and smashed his ankle. He will play on throughout the pain and if he ever fails to turn up the appothicary will cure him
Game 13 after missing the last game he was due to miss this game but when he saw the chance at smashing rats he dicided he needed no more rest time. Playeer of the game in this 2-1 win. 2 Touchdowns and 1 Casualty. The fans are starting to go off him though due to the fact that he always seem to be surrounded by a group of teamates acting as bodyguards, THIS IS NOT ORKISH