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Mighty Blow
Rumors have it that the first time she was "killed" was against an undead side she was pushed in the crowd and what looked like mauled to death...however. The rumors from the Revelators suggested that Khaine had brought her back from the dead as a gift to play once again in his honor, the other rumnors were a little more accuarate, that she was indeed bitten by undead, and the fans thought maybe she was in fact half zombie, the truth is however that she was bitten by a vampire, and as so will never die, (or is dead) so apart from her thirst for blood which was kept secret for soo long. she now enjoys in half time spectator blood, i.e fans, staff.(anyone that is around actually, their is loyalty to the Beheaders though and she has stated she would never take fellow team mates life, hmm just dont get too close!)