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A strong military trained robot with a propane fuelled flame thrower mounted on a 360o turret. This robot was originally silver but just before the filming of the first series began, it was decided to paint Sgt Bash green with military symbols and stripes to make him more meaner and tougher looking.
Moment of Fame: Burning the old granny, Grannies Revenge in The Fifth Wars. Sgt Bash really turned up the heat and Grannies Revenge was up in flames in no time. Flames went up really high. I have never seen that much fire before, it was great! Also, during one of the New Blood tournaments in Robot Wars Extreme Series 2, he had a fight with Refbot throwing jets of fire at him. He was given a yellow card. I think the Ref was being a bit too kind!
Moment of Embarrassment: When Chaos 2, Thermidor 2 and Bigger Brother flipped Sgt Bash over several times trying to get him out of the arena. His flame thrower almost came off. It was the first time Sgt Bash has ever flown across the arena! This happened in Flipper Frenzy in Robot Wars Extreme.