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Right Stuff
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A curious all rounder, Bainbridge is somewhat of a paradox. He has been in the squad since it's inception and is a highly talented (yet volatile) player. A smashed collarbone led many to believe he should retire early but this hasn't stopped him from playing Blood Bowl his own way. It looks like the coach will keep him on until he physically cannot play Blood Bowl, but until then Bainbridge is more than happy to entertain the rest of the team with his exaggerated tales whilst drinking his own homebrew in the dugout.
It's been a longtime coming - Dixon Bainbridge scored his first TD in the halfing mirror match! After a nasty scrap in the endzone the ball rolled out at Bainbridge's feet and he strolled over the line to even the score! When asked about his strategy by coach Dapperdan, Bainbridge replied "I was here for the free food & booze - I thought this was a training session!"
The Potters pulled off an impressive win against Chu's Bang Boom Bang Necro squad but Bainbridge was not so lucky. His reaction to having his neck broken by the Bang Boom Bang's star Werewolf was classic Bainbridge - "I was merely standing on the sidelines minding my own business, drinking a Morley's lager when this fanged monstrosity jumped on my back and sunk it's teeth in. If it wasn't for a couple of dedicated fans with lead piping I would have spilt my beer all over the pitch!"
Fast forward a few matches and Bainbridge was in a similar situation. Deep in his own endzone Bainbridge was "guarding" the touchdown line. A werewolf blitzed deep into the Potters half and wiped out Bainbridge with one swipe of it's claws! Once he was awoken by the team medics (who were stitching his stomach back up)he exclaimed "Did you see that, did you see that! Here I was regaling Felix Threecoat here about the time I spiked old Swiftbottom's ale with steroids and this creature descended from the heavens and was trying to eviscerate me! No respect I tell you! Where do these damn things come from, if Felix here didn't have his arm gnawed off by this beast I may well not be talking to you today"