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Hail Mary Pass
Strong Arm
9th game (Antic Bear Chargers): BH
In an expression of brute force, Jack tagteamed the Norselineman Stevo Viciouser together with Lisa Hallet.
1st game (Skavn for Elfbowl): 2 to Alice Guppy and Vivien Rook
2nd game (CU Rookie Squad): 1 to Adeola Oshodi
3rd game (We hit like Girls): 1 to Rajesh Singh
4th game (Darkside Smackers): 2 to Vivian Rook two times
5th game (Next Urin Kellner): 2 to Gwen Cooper and Owen
6th game (PostStruc): 1 to Rhys Williams
7th game (Bloodimore Skavens): 4 to Lisa Hallett, Ryas Williams (unfortunatly, the other 2 completions are not documentated)
8th game (Beverly Elves II): 3 to Lisa Hallett and 2x Vivien Rook
9th game (Antic Bear Chargers): 1 to vivian Rook
10th Game (Highelven Lords): 3 to Adeola Oshodi, Vivien Rook and Gwen Cooper
11th game (win is just a curse): 1 Unfortunatly all records from this game are lost.
12th game (bing bang bong): 1 to Vivian Rook
Hand- Offs:
9th game (Antic Bear Chargers): 1 to Gwen Cooper
Hail Mary:
5th game (Next Urin Kellner): 1
Threw a hail Mary next to Vivien Rook. The pass wasn't complete but got turned out in a TD in the next round.
6th game (PostStruc): 1
Threwn next to Vivian Rook, who wasn't able to catch the ball. Unfortunatly the ball scattered into the reach of opponent players. So, the situation can't be benefited.
7th game (Bloodimore Skavens):
Threw one next to Vivian Rook, who wasn't able to catch the ball. The Coach was aware enough to create a loose cage around the expacted dropzone, but an opposing gutterrunner found a way to the ball and tried to toss the ball to one of his fellows Luckily , the ball slipped out of his fingers and landed right next to Vivians feet.
5th game (Next Urin Kellner): 3 from Lisa Hallett, Gwen Cooper and Ianto Jones
9th game (Antic Bear Chargers): 2 from Owen and Vivien Rook