36 coaches online • Server time: 14:31
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=3624285">Former saurus</a> from the <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&team_id=307741">Family Ness</a> coached by <a href="http://fumbbl.com/~BlackNWhiteDog">BlackNWhiteDog</a>
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&team_id=307741"><img src="http://fumbbl.com/teams/235669.jpg"></a>
<i>"he Beautiful Lovely-Ness certainly gains the attractions of all the</br>other Nessies, which is hardly surprising, as she seams to be the</br>only female Nessy, apart from Her Highness. And in a loch that size,</br>is probably related to all the other Nessies.....
I won't bring up the subject of inbreeding, but Silly-Ness is a likely</br>result!
Match 12: Lovely saved the day with a last turn interception to prevent</br>a winning TD. Minim Awarded <img src="http://fumbbl.com/teams/132632.jpg" align="absmiddle">
Match 28: Quaver Awarded (31spp) <img src="http://fumbbl.com/teams/132627.jpg" align="absmiddle">
Match 36: Quaver Awarded (51spp) <img src="http://fumbbl.com/teams/132628.jpg" align="absmiddle">
Match 38: Killed BarbWire Flosser of "Buckshot Enema (LoA)".</br>Crochet Awarded <img src="http://fumbbl.com/teams/132631.jpg" align="absmiddle">
Match 51: Bassclef (50games) <img src="http://fumbbl.com/teams/132633.jpg" align="absmiddle">
Match 56: Semiquaver Awarded (76spp) <img src="http://fumbbl.com/teams/132629.jpg" align="absmiddle">
Match 89: Semiquaver Awarded (126spp) <img src="http://fumbbl.com/teams/132630.jpg" align="absmiddle">
Match 102: Bassclef (100games) <img src="http://fumbbl.com/teams/132633.jpg" align="absmiddle">
Match 113: Lovely Ness has become the last surviving orignal</br>team player. Trebleclef Awarded <img src="http://fumbbl.com/teams/132634.jpg" align="absmiddle">
Match 115: Killed Ginger of Sweetorcs. Crochet Awarded <img src="http://fumbbl.com/teams/132631.jpg" align="absmiddle">
Match 116: Killed Sepultura II of Heavy Metal Chaos. Crochet</br>Awarded <img src="http://fumbbl.com/teams/132631.jpg" align="absmiddle"> "</i>