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Senior Warrant Officer
Nuln pistoliers
Team Captain
Scoring two Touchdowns and banging a wolf out of the pitch in a 4-0 victory against Necro team Dread Ringers meant that Tibbs became the first ever lineman to be promoted in the Commandos. Staff members and management congratulate him on this achievement that shows the fighting spirit of humans.
For enduring 25 brutal games of Blood Bowl, Tony Tibbs is now being promoted into full corporal.
Against Amazon team Spacewomen, Tibbs became one of the few selected in the game of Blood Bowl. Intercepting the ball, and then tossing and then running it in for a TD, Tibbs became a player who has in his career now completed a pass, scored a TD, made an interception, brought down an opponent into casualty and been rewarded for MVP. For this feat, he is also promoted to Sergeant.
Against high elf team Sheffield Friday Tibbs proved his amazing worth to the Commandos team. First interrupting high elf catcher to drop a sure touchdown pass, Tibbs was immediately running towards the next pass that elves tried. He calmly intercepted the ball and gave it to a pack of Commando players to secure 2-0 shutout for the team. For his continuous heroism, work and astonishing gut Tibbs is now promoted to Staff Sergeant.
After the death of fan favourite captain Bill "Basher" Barnes, Tony Tibbs became the teams new captain, and thus he was also promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer.
Fifty matches and Tony Tibbs is still going strong. The captain is showing excellent example to all of his teammates enduring night after night in the trenches of bloodfest that is known as blood bowl match. Captain of the team is promoted to Senior Warrant officer.