20 coaches online • Server time: 02:12
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Being a childhood pet of the heir to the Dung miners mantle in BlakMuk (Merk) , Commintern followed his little master to the big leagues to gain glory and a reputation for their little part of the swamp.
So far, unlike his brood mate Sikel, Commintern has restrained himself from eating any of the "Manglerz" players. Though he has not KILLED any Gobbo'z on the team, Commintern has delivered many a flying Gobb face first into the dirt for a little nap in the dugout. Needless to say........he needs to work on his long arm.
***Recently Commintern has shown a substantial improvement to his game. Causing a few casualties and gaining 2 MVP's in the past two games. Keep your eyes on this one folks...he could be going to the top.
Skaven: 1