53 coaches online • Server time: 18:51
-ag, -ma, -ma, -ma, -st, d
Normaly I take any +mv roll I can get, but it doesnt do any good to roll it on the same skill that a player ages and gets -mv. That, and this guy already lost a movement from an injury early on. So he just gets slower and slower, but thats ok cause at 4st he can stand around and hit. He's kinda like a chaos warrior at this point.
In his 36th game, he gets yet another -mv. Its Funny how he keeps getting that injury rolled up. Thankfully no more then 2 can be applied to any one player, so its realy nothing more then a miss next game now.
Game 50, a late and rather unnessesary foul by some khemri took away smolder's best asset. A -st makes him a pathetic looking beat up lineman now. Now he's just going to sit up on the front line and wait for someone to kill him.
Smolder has now become the longest lived player on this team, surpassing Flikerin who made it through 57 games.
59 games is the new record among my wood elves. Smolder has finaly been cut down, ripped to peices by a beastman bearing some nasty claws.