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Injury Report:
--Inflicted by the Blacksouls--
He was doing fine in his career until he was on the edge of the pitch in game 24. It was the Wicked Pissahs vs the Return of the Blacksouls in a bloodbath of the ages. While Halden was on the edge of the pitch, Hansta de Legura threw one of the Pissah's blitzers at him. Halden fell into the crowd and they tore him a new one. (m,n)
Halden has missed game 25 because of this odd occurance.
Also missed game 26, as he decided to dance on Hansta de Legura's burial site. (Mr. Deathmoore didn't have the heart to tell him that the body was never buried, as the team is always needing new parts. Really, Mr. Deathmoore's heart is to brittle to ruin Halden's fun.)
All was not lost however, as Mr. Legura did manage to tear the blitzer a new one as well in his frenzy.
Halden missed game 31 because of his niggling pains.
Why we didn't re-animate him:
In the bloodbath of game 32 against the chaos team Warbands, Halden was the second Blacksoul who was dismantled. His strong arms were no longer usable, so we decided that he was worthless.