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Amys, of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel, is a Wise One who can channel and a Dreamwalker, who used to be a Maiden of the Spear. Later she became an aprentice Wise One under Bair, and tried to run away a number of times. She is Rhuarc's wife, and sister-wife to Lian, and Roofmistress of Cold Rocks Hold.
She meets Egwene al'Vere in Tel'aran'rhiod while Egwene is searching for the Black Ajah. She tells Egwene to come to Aiel Waste where is can teach her how to become a proper Dreamwalker. She meets Rand al'Thor and the rest of the Aiel when they are transported from Tear to Rhuidean via the Portal Stone. She with the rest of the Aiel Wise One's had sent a letter to Moiraine Damodred saying where they would meet and which day.
She then travels with Rand and the rest of the Aiel to Cairhien. She takes Egwene al'Vere as an apprentice with Bair and teaches her how to Dreamwalk. She is with Egwene in Tel'aran'rhiod when the Salidar Six summon Egwene to Salidar. Her opinion of Aes Sedai have somewhat diminished with the several meetings she had with them. She is present when Egwene reveals the lie that she is not actually an Aes Sedai. She then gives Egwene a beating to meet her Toh. She was proud of Egwene and would accept her back as an Aiel Wise One again if she ever returns. She leads a group of Wise Ones to help rescue Rand from the White Tower Aes Sedai but defers to Sorilea as leader in the end. She participates in the Battle of Dumai's Wells.
After the battle she suggests the Aes Sedai prisoners be placed into the Wise Ones care. She is present when Rand is Healed by Damer Flinn from the Shadar Logoth dagger. She is now in complete control of the Aes Sedai, dismissing Bera Harkin and Kiruna Nachiman from Cairhien's Throneroom.