Bones! fouls 'Ripper' Bolgrot. (4, 4) +3 (3, 6) + 2, 6: 'Ripper' Bolgrot has been KILLED!
Waiting for opponent to decide to use apothecary.
No apothecary or not used.
'Ripper' Bolgrot has risen from the dead to join 7 graves!
in a great match against against PrinceValliant and his 7 casualties Team the 7 graves tried to make their opponents name a reality. the team managed to clear the pitch late in the 2nd half nearly making it.
the Foul that killed off Ripper was on turn 6 of the first half. Ripper made a wonderful player for the rest of the game for the Graves and was given a permanent place on the team, replacing the Zombie that had killed him, Bones!.