Side Step
The most experienced team veteran and a true inspiration to young tight-wearing woody sportsfans. Quiet, focused, disciplined and sturdy, Hamish has played every single team game (so far), dodging and scurrying through the field like woodies know best. When asked why he had been chosen mvp more than any other player in the team (almost twice as much as his star teammate, Sequoia The Sturdy), Hamish simply shrugged his shoulders and said "Beats me, I'm only doing my job". Perhaps it's the best answer he could have given - when the rest of the team fails, he doesn't and almost never did, actually, saving his teammates' dignity on quite a few occasions. Rumors are circling about his early retirement, since he declared after his last game (and 7th MVP award) that he feels there should be some new blood brought into the team and place made for the new talent, especially since the team lifted off after Ash and Birch joined. The fans, however, expressed a strong revolt against him leaving the team, even a few hot-headed young druid hate-mails arrived, threatening to put a curse on the team if they let him go. The team just hit the cap of 200, making their way into the big league. What happens next is in Nuffle's hands...