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Mighty Blow
Side Step
After 11 bloodless matches in which Waterloo refused to hurt his opponents alltogether he got fed up with the abuse he has to take on the field and showed the world what he could do when in a foul temper.
In the match against the Black Rebels United he killed both Antinanco the human catcher as well as William McFist the linebacker. If not for the carefull attention of the human doctor Waterloo would have killed another human blitzer as well...
His team mates are gossiping that Waterloo has marital trouble with his wife... Hence the foul and unexpected temper!
Waterloo found two of his team mates talking behind his back right before the match against the Math Minds Deadites. Waterloo, boiling with anger, went out to find the opponents brightest starplayer.
This turned out to be Leonardo Fibonacci...
Waterloo killed the Khemerian star thrower so thoroughly that regeneration just wasn't an option.